================================================================================ = Flow-Xpress Change Log = ================================================================================ = Abbreviations: = = FIX Bug-fix = = IMP Improvement = = NEW New = = DEL Removed = ================================================================================ = Automatically generated on 02-10-2020 02:46:28. = = Contact ABB B.V. for more detailed information on = = bug-fixes, improvements or new features. = ================================================================================ Flow-Xpress 3.2.1 (02-10-2020) PR12279 IMP: Borders around values in Web UI have more contrast. PR12278 DEL: Insecure connection warning message is removed from Web UI. Flow-Xpress 3.2.0 (10-09-2020) PR12131 FIX: The tag display jumped to the top after changing conditional tags. PR12046 NEW: 'TAGVALUE' can now be used instead of tag's full name in tag display conditions. PR12045 FIX: String values could not be used in conditions. PR12042 NEW: Tag displays are hidden if all of its tags are hidden due to conditions. PR12026 NEW: Added option to display tags in a new line. PR12024 DEL: 'Default Storage System' option was removed from Archives. PR12017 NEW: Recurring option was added to group display item in global displays. PR12016 FIX: WebUI was displaying an error when the display that's shown was hidden because the display condition changed to FALSE. PR12015 IMP: Web UI uses the screen space more efficiently. PR12013 FIX: The list of parameters in Flow-Xpress did not include groups. PR12011 IMP: Descriptions were added to parameters section in Flow-Xpress. PR11974 FIX: A specific redundant configuration caused memory leaks and eventual reboot. PR11962 IMP: Compressing and decompressing are optimized. PR11871 NEW: Screensaver functionality was introduced for Flow-X/P and Flow-X/C. PR11819 FIX: Modbus TCP server could delay answering requests. PR11778 FIX: Unnecessary empty report directories were not removed from the flow computer. PR11755 NEW: Flow-Xpress now uses HTTPS to upgrade Flow-X's by default. PR11727 IMP: Flow-Xpress Basic mode does not require license. PR11725 FIX: Sometimes GUI could show an outdated display after a tag condition change. PR11656 FIX: In new versions of Excel, names were incorrectly updated while copying sheets. PR11634 NEW: Added new calculation fxGOST_R_50_2_076. PR11628 NEW: Added new calculation fxGazProm_5_9_B2. PR11626 NEW: Added new calculation fxGazProm_5_9_B1. PR11609 NEW: TLS version 1.2 is supported. PR11600 FIX: Module tags were not working correctly as conditions in global displays. PR11528 FIX: WebUI cannot show reports if the flow computer is too busy. PR11486 NEW: Web UI uses secure communication protocol. PR11450 FIX: Flow-Xpress could give a compilation error if the report printer was not accessible. PR11149 FIX: Sometimes seal switch unlock can be missed when system clock goes back. PR11129 NEW: Added new theme for Flow-X screens with resolution 1024x600. PR10804 FIX: Fixed crash when adding graphical or text printer on the ETH port while virtual device is configured on the same port. PR10525 FIX: HART listening mode reported false timeouts. PR10489 IMP: Device types in Flow-Xpress are now consistent with Flow-X and called 'Single module' and 'Multi module'. PR9328 FIX: Find and replace did not work for Tag display conditions. PR5367 FIX: Long log messages were dropped. Flow-Xpress 3.1.3 (23-04-2020) PR11914 FIX: Behavior after persistent storage save failure was improved. PR10203 FIX: Passwords containing special characters were rejected by GUI. PR9737 FIX: Special Cyrillic characters could not be printed to the text printer. Flow-Xpress 3.1.2 (16-01-2020) PR11440 FIX: Flow-Xpress produced a compile error "Unable to remove global name '_xlfn.SINGLE'" with some versions of Excel 2019. PR11268 FIX: Persistent data stopped from being stored after extended time of debug online on a multimodule setup. Flow-Xpress 3.1.1 (03-12-2019) PR11385 FIX: Bus communication is restored after Soft boot and 1 module power cycles. PR11384 FIX: Flow-X rebooted when writing a tag via the Flow-X client protocol. PR11381 FIX: New parameters are not applied during soft boot. Flow-Xpress 3.1.0 (08-10-2019) PR11146 FIX: Flow-Xpress now correctly displays that changes to Enumerations and Units require restart. PR11020 IMP: Set 'Generate copies' and 'Reprint copies' printer settings equal 1 by default. PR11009 FIX: Event log contained spurious 'Failed to generate report' messages for disabled reports PR10999 FIX: Fixed incorrect CSV formatting. PR10969 FIX: Obtaining debug info requires logging in as a user with maximum security level. PR10915 FIX: Conditions in grouped repeated tags were not working properly. PR10904 DEL: Creating and printing reports is not added to event log anymore. PR10903 NEW: Alarms can be blocked from creating new event messages to protect logs from flooding. PR10889 FIX: Display line conditions were not working correctly on groups in recurring displays. PR10861 IMP: Debug Online works for non-identical applications. PR10855 FIX: Flow-Xpress ignored some uploading errors. PR10854 IMP: Renaming the application does not require hard boot. PR10844 IMP: The validity of the uploaded firmware is checked against transmission errors. PR10842 FIX: Installation does not stop if Microsoft Excel is not found. PR10838 FIX: Flow computer will return an error on the updating if the soft reboot is not possible. PR10813 FIX: Flow-Xpress could crash when dragging/dropping tags in Windows 10. PR10701 NEW: Improved possibilities to update an application without rebooting flow computer. PR10686 NEW: Function to log user-defined events is added. PR10586 FIX: Acknowledge all alarms could lead to lots of log messages in event log. PR10467 FIX: The function fxTimePeriodInputEx from now on produces correct results for the channel zero. PR10384 FIX: Communication between Modbus client and Modbus server was not restarting sometimes. PR10360 FIX: Independent instances of the same Comms sheets do not share information. PR10291 NEW: Historical Data tab is now also available in Flow-Xpress Basic Mode. PR10112 FIX: The behavior of the Online Mode with the Flow-X/P was improved. PR10049 NEW: Unsuccessful login attempts are logged. PR10037 NEW: Add unique identifier to each record of the event log. PR9904 FIX: Consecutive application updates that can be performed without reboot were failing. PR9725 FIX: Remove pin numbers in HART ports description in Ports & Devices. PR9397 FIX: Tag-wise conditions were not properly working for recurring displays. PR9396 FIX: Tag-wise display conditions were improved for Flow-X/P and Flow-X/C. PR9140 FIX: Calibration tags were mistakenly reset together with other parameters. PR5194 FIX: Auto-logoff worked unreliably. Flow-Xpress 3.0.0 (08-05-2019) PR10778 FIX: Snapshot tag id value is now displayed. PR10773 FIX: When SQLite archives are used for historical data, displaying archives was too slow. PR10769 FIX: Memory performance is improved when loading SQLite archives. PR10765 FIX: Archives sometimes did not load under certain conditions. PR10754 FIX: Archive used in multiple Modbus queries is loaded only once. PR10479 FIX: Support of the GERG-2008 calculation was improved. PR10469 NEW: The user can configure SNTP and DNS servers. PR10415 FIX: UI behavior for the Online Mode was improved. PR10403 FIX: Wrong CPL value was calculated by fxAPI_Dens15C_1952. PR10401 DEL: XLS application format is not supported anymore. PR10391 FIX: Web UI could display empty names of archived tags. PR10387 FIX: HART communication with four devices sometimes stops. PR10381 FIX: Parameter change events could appear in the event log when other parameters assigned to the same query were changed via Modbus. PR10272 NEW: Support for Office 2019 is added. PR10207 NEW: fxAnalogInput now returns extra output, which gives the last measured sample value. PR10186 FIX: Modbus slave RTU over TCP did not respond on specific combinations of start address and number of registers. PR10182 FIX: Possible undefined behavior of string tags and enumerations was fixed. PR10165 FIX: HART master could not recognize the correct response after receiving a partial response. PR10162 FIX: Sometimes Modbus Master treated valid Modbus response incorrectly. PR10154 DEL: GUI: Standalone GUI versions for WinCE6-x86 and WinCE5-ARMIV are removed. PR10153 NEW: 32-character and 40-character string items are supported by Modbus queries. PR10071 FIX: FlowComputer could reboot when Alarms display on LCD is activated and alarms are not active currently. PR10057 NEW: The capacity of OMNI archives via Modbus can be configured for each archive individually. PR10056 FIX: The position of the Modbus archive could change after reboot. PR9958 FIX: USB license dongle key was not recognized after 45 hours of uptime. PR9937 NEW: The EU Declaration of Conformity for Flow-X is updated. PR9916 FIX: Modbus RS485 communication had some unstable behaviour under high CPU load. PR9851 IMP: HART v5, v6, and v7 replies are accepted by all Command 0 queries. PR9708 FIX: GUI: Language can be changed without login. PR9705 IMP: Modbus master was sometimes failing if the slave in ASCII mode started transmitting too early. PR9652 IMP: When events are cleared, corresponding archives and Modbus queries in logs are removed. PR9570 NEW: GUI: Display of numeric value meets EN12405 requirements by displaying in popup window with 4mm height and 2.4mm width or larger. PR9551 FIX: Panel was reporting missing cycles while no cycles were missed. PR8722 FIX: Old events were not visible when using a time filter. PR8117 NEW: Version 2 Panel now supports Kernel watchdog. PR4903 FIX: Sometimes, the command "Clear Archives" did not remove all snapshots. PR4877 IMP: Password and PIN hashes are used to authenticate users. PR2616 IMP: Validity checks on security levels in Online mode are extended. Flow-Xpress 2.1.4 (07-02-2020) PR11440 FIX: Flow-Xpress produced a compile error "Unable to remove global name '_xlfn.SINGLE'" with some versions of Excel 2019. PR10387 FIX: HART communication with four devices sometimes stops. Flow-Xpress 2.1.3 (30-01-2019) PR10209 FIX: Periods trigger one second too late at certain 'broken times' PR10147 FIX: Value 0 was returned by Modbus server and Modbus slave for all tags that have enum configured PR10075 IMP: Introduce a timeout on a persistent storage save failure. Flow-Xpress 2.1.2 (30-11-2018) PR9968 FIX: Sometimes, fallback values were not applied in case of calculation errors. PR9965 FIX: Writing modified user settings through online mode sometimes failed at repeated writes. PR9805 FIX: NGL_LPG functions were not converging at certain inputs. PR9623 IMP: Debug Offline and Debug Online starts faster. PR9606 FIX: The 64-bit version of Flow-Xpress generated wrong checksums. PR9545 IMP: Version 2 Flow-X supports 4 pulse inputs. PR10285 FIX: FlowXpress in combination with MS Office 2016 64-bit could crash when starting Debug Online. PR10229 IMP: The status of persistent storage is logged periodically. PR10212 FIX: The NX-19 calculation produced a wrong result when used without G9 correction. PR10064 FIX: Latest archive snapshots were not displayed by Omnicom after FlowComputer reboots. PR10012 FIX: User list remained empty when multiple devices are connected in Online mode and same user with different configuration is present across multiple Flowcomputers. Flow-Xpress 2.1.1 (01-05-2018) PR9783 FIX: Flush rx buffer when modbus reply is handled. PR9712 FIX: RS485 now synchronises when preparing and discarding echo when reading and writing. Flow-Xpress 2.1.0 (30-03-2018) PR9641 FIX: While communicating via RS485, some received bytes were erroneously considered as echo and ignored. PR9614 FIX: Improved Modbus gateway configuration change handling when server configuraiton is changed. PR9571 FIX: Archives can't be read through Modbus if multiple Modbus lists are used on the same port. PR9569 FIX: Modbus Master now communicates at the configured speed. PR9553 NEW: Added new Calculation ISO-6976 2016 (Ex). PR9552 FIX: Modbus slave responds to function code 16 commands. PR9533 NEW: Added new calculation AGA-8: 2017 GERG. PR9532 NEW: Added support for GPA-2172 2014 with tables GPA-2145 2009 and 2016. PR9529 NEW: Added new calculation AGA-8: 2017 standard. PR9523 NEW: Added new calculation GOST 30319: 2015 standard. PR9507 NEW: Added new calculation OIML R22 International Alcoholometric Tables. PR9504 NEW: Added support for AGA-3: 2012 standard. PR9501 FIX: XML template escaping is fixed in Dashboard web-service. PR9500 FIX: Sometimes, the serial connection caused the system to restart. PR9499 FIX: SQLite archives can be retrieved by archive command. PR9475 FIX: VBA missing error during installation on 32-bit windows with office 365 is resolved. PR9463 FIX: Archive XML output was sometimes missing records. PR9462 FIX: Sometimes system time change was not remembered after a reboot. PR9284 IMP: Switch off/on the Modbus master communication in runtime. PR9257 FIX: MR113 calculation could not handle a non-zero water fraction. PR9240 FIX: Improved stability of data archiver. PR9108 NEW: Added new Calculation ISO-6976: 2016 standard. PR8959 FIX: Modbus Master does not write value to Modbus Slave for read only tags when the value is changed. PR8705 FIX: The event log was not displayed properly for parameter changes which contained ASCII control characters. PR7202 NEW: New LACT icons for page display are added. PR4514 IMP: GERG2008_GAS input range ( -250 ~ +500 ) is made consistent with GERG2008_FLASH ( -215 ~ +500 ). Flow-Xpress 2.0.0 (21-12-2017) PR9332 FIX: Incorrect values of bus connections after bus communication has re-established PR9255 FIX: Tag-wise conditions do not work together with non-default units. PR9125 FIX: In online mode, pending changes are sometimes not sent after clicking 'Write all changes to device'. PR8977 IMP: Improved the way the data is stored on the SD card PR8896 FIX: The last report was sometimes printed multiple time when printing to a busy network printer. PR8892 FIX: Wrong units of outputs "Compressibility Factor" and "Thermal Expansion Coefficient" were specified for several functions. PR8858 NEW: Flow-Xpress generates a warning when no archive is assigned to the Modbus archive query. PR8857 NEW: Flow-Xpress generates a warning when no PIN code is configured for the Flow-X user. PR8774 NEW: New display icons for IO and meter runs. PR8719 IMP: Double login is not required for different languages PR8699 IMP: Graphical User Interface enumerations support up to 28 (4x7) elements on a 7 row display and 36 (4x9) on a 9 row display. PR8665 FIX: Check for unsupported platforms upload is added. PR8649 IMP: Improved handling of network failures while updating parameters in Online mode. PR8625 FIX: The storage layer may log a false positive when creating a new storage bin. PR8606 FIX: When entering a value on a Flow-X/M keypad a key repeat can acknowledge the entry of the value. PR8601 NEW: Flow-Xpress supports Windows 10. PR8599 NEW: New splash loading screen Flow-X. PR8564 FIX: Copyright warning message on the about window is not complete. PR8560 NEW: New layout of FPGA versions in the system versions display. PR8535 IMP: Update the Flow Xpress documentation to ABB style PR8528 FIX: Modbus Master prematurely accepted replies with trailing zero bytes in the checksum, causing a temporary switch to listen mode. PR8475 FIX: The fields on the Write to Device dialog-box can now be properly resized. PR8444 NEW: Add the picture of the new SICK meter to FlowXpress. PR8437 NEW: Allow upgrade to OS 19.81 without losing measurement data PR8404 FIX: Modbus slave does not generate exception reply when the register address is unknown. PR8392 FIX: Flow-Xpress rarely crashes when browsing tags in the Tag Display control. PR8378 IMP: Log the warning message when the storage is damaged. PR8347 FIX: The installer of Flow-Xpress cannot find VBA path in office click-to-run 2016. PR8233 NEW: New algorithm for dual pulse inputs. PR8220 IMP: Increased the maximum SQL statement length from 48000 to 750000 characters. PR8085 NEW: Debug logging for the graphical printer is added. PR8059 FIX: Virtual device feature for smart flow meter kept using the same mode when switching between RTU and ASCII. PR7985 FIX: fxSetOnChange() did not trigger correctly for values modified by writing parameters from Flow-Xpress. PR7942 NEW: The Event Logger is no longer an application short cut in Control Center, but can be accessed through a dedicated button. PR7928 IMP: The ABB style has been applied to Flow-X (GUI) and Flow-Xpress. PR7883 FIX: When printing a big report to the serial printer, a part of the report can be missing. PR7646 DEL: 110 baud serial support has been removed. PR7636 NEW: Flow-X logo is updated. PR7621 NEW: COM port settings configured in Flow-Xpress are now written as parameters. PR7471 FIX: Sometimes unexpected behavior occurs when closing Flow-Xpress. PR7322 NEW: New math calculation fxGOST30319_AGA8(..) for Compressibility (Z) Factor of a Gas. PR7250 NEW: Flow-Xpress supports the following device types: Flow-X/S, Flow-X/C, Flow-X/P0..P4, Flow-X/R1..R8. PR7229 FIX: Modbus RTU messages with the checksum ending with zero are not recognized. PR7057 FIX: HART response takes too long alarm is now handled correctly. PR6966 FIX: Sometimes an alarm might display as a warning (yellow color) instead of as an alarm (red color). PR6774 FIX: Too long names of communication sheets make it impossible to start Debug Offline. PR6643 NEW: New math calculation fxGOST30319(..) for Thermodynamic properties of a Gas. PR6538 FIX: fxPeriod does not adhere to its count parameter when Year is selected. PR6463 NEW: Display conditions can be defined for every displayed tag rather than for the whole display only. PR5971 IMP: Device(s) selection is not lost when sorting in Device Browser. PR5966 FIX: Redundant flow computers assign preferred duty after manual duty switch. PR5929 FIX: Sorting tagbrowser (when making a report) does not work. PR5897 NEW: Gateway between ModbusServer and ModbusMaster. PR5875 IMP: Expired reports are removed immediately. PR5761 FIX: Non-default display units of tags are not always saved correctly. PR5663 DEL: Office 2003 is no longer supported. Minimum supported version to run Flow-Xpress is now Office 2007 SP2. PR5660 FIX: When retrieving many archives simultaneously, a '503 Service Busy' response occurs. PR5606 IMP: Flow-Xpress provides a compiler warning when a Tag's description is different between sheets. PR5605 FIX: Tag values which contain unicode characters may not be archived properly. PR5597 FIX: Flow-Xpress does not correctly handle tag values from the extended Unicode character set(s). PR5592 FIX: Tampering with the Security XML file could cause Coordinator to crash. PR5526 FIX: X/R module configuration is reset when opening Configuration Properties > Device Setup dialogue. PR5512 IMP: The fxISO6976_1995(...) function is extended with user-definable composition, molar mass, summation factor, superior calorific value, and inferior calorific value inputs. PR5510 NEW: New function fxGasViscosity_2004(...) is added. PR5508 IMP: Better feedback of the compilation progress. PR5498 IMP: Support for ISO5377 Quarter circle and ISO51377 Conical entrance is added to the fxISO5167(...) function. PR5497 IMP: Appropriate error messages when exceeding the number of supported HART devices added. PR5490 NEW: Warning state is added for Alarms, next to active and non-active states. PR5483 FIX: Changes of the protocol status can be lost during start up. PR5481 FIX: The ModbusClient protocol does not correctly handle time-out conditions on slow networks. PR5472 FIX: The milliseconds part of the timestamp in log files can be wrong. PR5461 NEW: The ABB Coriolis Master interface document is added to the manual. PR5442 FIX: The application failed to compile after configuring serial printer with 'useDSR'. PR5426 IMP: Flow-Xpress supports user name with non-English characters. PR5419 FIX: Acknowledging alarms in a multi-module setup sometimes did not acknowledge all alarms. PR5397 IMP: The CSV output format for Historical Archives follows RFC4180. PR5381 DEL: Flow-Xpress is no longer supported on Windows XP and Vista. PR5371 IMP: FXA file can be opened in read-only mode. PR5355 IMP: Modbus communications now support runtime switching between RTU and ASCII modes. PR5346 FIX: Month event with day offset does not function properly. PR5309 FIX: The Flow-X web server cannot handle Unicode characters in the URL. PR5308 FIX: The list of users in Online mode may become empty if one of user names contains a special character. PR5302 NEW: Device info web service includes the hardware platform for each module. PR5285 FIX: A system date prior to January 1st 2003 is reset to January 1st 2003 at flow-computer restart. PR5111 IMP: 64bit Flow-Xpress is now supported on Microsoft Windows 8 and later. PR5069 IMP: Modbus Master/Slave no longer accept messages without any or . PR5028 IMP: Do not display excessive debug communication messages by default. PR5013 FIX: When using a large value for the size-based storage limit on Historical Archives with the SQLite based storage, removing old archive snapshots may take a long time. PR4984 FIX: Compiling always gave a warning for the system sheet. PR4969 IMP: Modbus Master now rejects replies whose length does not match with the corresponding request. PR4930 FIX: The function fxGERG-2008_Gas does not check the sum of the components. PR4897 FIX: The installer of Flow-Xpress cannot find the VBA component of Office 365. PR4817 IMP: Improved support of Office 2013. PR4781 FIX: An error message can be shown when running multiple instances of Flow-Xpress in Debug Online mode. PR4620 FIX: FlowXClient protocol does not write the same tag value after it was changed by the flow computer. PR4614 IMP: New installer for Flow-Xpress. PR3571 FIX: Cycle time change is not logged PR3064 FIX: Modbus Client writes all tags at startup. PR2870 IMP: IP-address of a Modbus Server is configurable at run-time. Flow-Xpress 1.7.7 (18-11-2016) PR8170 NEW: Support for Microsoft Office 2016 is added. PR7972 FIX: Sometimes HTTPS requests causes high CPU usage. PR7784 IMP: SGERG91mod (GOST30319) function returns heating value with correct unit and higher precision. PR7690 FIX: Memory leak is fixed caused by X/P-4 bus disconnection. PR7325 FIX: OMNI archive containing 65-66 snapshots are correctly initialized. PR5982 FIX: Translation for "Do you want to execute this command" shows correct translation. PR5063 FIX: The list of log tags is empty. Flow-Xpress 1.7.6 (07-04-2016) PR6981 FIX: Using xto_force_write in the application can cause infinite writing via Modbus. PR6994 FIX: Typo's and scanning errors in API1952 tables. PR7048 NEW: New math calculation SGERG91mod for compressibility of gas. PR7054 IMP: The manual is updated. Flow-Xpress 1.7.5 (26-01-2016) PR6644 IMP: Increase the pressure range for API Tables 53,54,59,60. PR6462 FIX: After soft-booting a multi-module flow computer set up, some remote tags may become empty. PR6227 FIX: Generating of reports should log a message to the event log. PR5969 FIX: Flow computer may use lots of CPU and stop archiving if the retention period for Historical Archives is smaller than the period interval. PR5691 FIX: Week period trigger may cause unexpected restart under certain conditions. PR5655 FIX: When retrieving the oldest set of Historical Archive snapshots, the flow-computer memory usage increased slightly. PR5628 FIX: Modbus client does not write certain values in sparse queries. PR5473 FIX: When opening archive in Debug Offline mode, Flow-Xpress may stop working. PR5313 IMP: Using "Read debug info from device" now skips unreachable modules. PR5271 IMP: Improved the documentation of the /snapshots web service. Flow-Xpress 1.7.4 (23-07-2015) PR5742 FIX: Flow-X restarts when the CTE protocol is used. PR5463 DEL: The 64-bit version is temporarily disabled under Windows 8+. PR5433 NEW: Flow-X web server reports last restart information. PR5414 FIX: fxResetPulseInputError function does not reset error pulses. PR5376 FIX: CSV export of archive contains excess spaces around commas. PR5360 FIX: The FlowX-GUI application can crash when displaying many tags. PR5304 FIX: Some buttons are displayed incorrectly in the 64-bit version. PR5226 FIX: Standalone GUI can crash on close if report display was active. PR5153 NEW: New math calculation MR113 for humidity of gas. PR5056 NEW: New math calculation ISO6976ex for 55 gas components. PR4909 FIX: Application file can get corrupted if an error occurs while saving. Flow-Xpress 1.7.3 (02-12-2014) PR5283 FIX: On a report, tag values following a cell containing a reference to a report section would not appear on print outs. PR5274 IMP: It is now possible to view the GUI version from inside the GUI application. PR5245 FIX: The 6557-700-52-13 FPGA revision could misclassify specific dual-pulse train inputs as containing added and/or simultaneous error pulses. PR5240 IMP: Add option to GUI application for selecting alternative theme location. Flow-Xpress 1.7.2 (26-11-2014) PR5280 IMP: Increased the limit for the differential pressure input value for all fxISO5167 functions. Flow-Xpress 1.7.1 (31-10-2014) PR5190 FIX: The update-to-master window was not usable when the user had the Windows "Make it easier to read what's on your screen" setting set to "Medium - 125%". PR5136 FIX: In some cases ModbusClient does not handle time-outs correctly. PR5131 IMP: Improve the accuracy of the VCone_M calculation. PR5125 FIX: When updating the flow-computer without restarting the flow-computer might restart anyway. PR5076 FIX: Reports are not generated in the Debug Off-line environment. PR4753 FIX: Printing alarm reports might cause alarming to stop working properly. PR3813 IMP: Reports printed on a text printer can now have text wrapping applied. PR2093 IMP: Reports printed on a text printer can now contain empty lines. Flow-Xpress 1.7.0 (07-08-2014) PR5063 FIX: The list of log tags is empty. PR5061 FIX: The list of tags in the report designer is empty. PR4972 FIX: Timestamp format option for historical queries was wrongly disabled. PR4963 NEW: Inter-query delay for ModbusMaster. PR4931 FIX: When minimizing the FlowX-GUI application an error dialog appeared. PR4917 FIX: When a dual-pulse line was interrupted, pulse counts would be buffered until connectivity was restored. PR4910 DEL: Application specific manuals are no longer directly accessible from within Flow-Xpress. PR4695 FIX: On some system configurations Online Mode did not show parameters. PR4652 NEW: EC Declaration of Conformity of Flow-X is available on the Flow-Xpress CD. PR4603 FIX: The GUI can run out of memory when viewing many different reports. PR4573 FIX: The enable slider of debug logs in the web interface is in the enabled position at startup, even though the debug log is disabled. PR4536 FIX: Parameter changes loaded from file in online mode only display the unit in the 'new value' column. PR4535 IMP: The screensaver can now disable the backlight completely. PR4529 IMP: Add support for Modbus RTU over TCP. PR4516 FIX: ISO6976 shows wrong unit for output 'Relative Density'. PR4512 FIX: Flow-Xpress won't properly launch when Flow-Xpert has been installed and run at least once. PR4511 FIX: System time can't be set when flow computer is locked. PR4506 FIX: Last driver log message not flushed when drivers not running. PR4500 FIX: Flow computers on a slow satellite connection are wrongly classified as unreachable by Flow-Xpress. PR4458 FIX: Remote tags may be missing after bus timeout. PR4452 IMP: Add additional reference condition 25/20 C for fxSGERG_M. PR4451 FIX: Device ID 255 is incorrectly not allowed in Modbus TCP/IP. PR4428 NEW: Add preliminary support for 64 bit office. PR4398 FIX: Time can run too fast on some modules in a multi module setup. PR4392 FIX: The density output of various API functions are missing the 'kg_m3' unit. PR4391 NEW: New memory manager for the FlowX. PR4383 FIX: Reports containing cells with an empty format string are not always handled correctly. PR4381 FIX: Flow-Xpress sometimes wrongly checks and compares the version used to save an application. PR4374 FIX: FXA files opened in Flow-Xpress cannot be copied. PR4193 NEW: GERG2008 can be used on the flow computer with hardware acceleration. This requires the add-on programs version to be at least PR4186 IMP: Improved storage and retrieval of historical data. PR3786 FIX: When an application was updated to a new master, and the result contained multiple communication devices with the same device id, a crash could occur. PR3674 FIX: FlowXClient writes only the first 32 values to the flow computer. PR3063 FIX: Wrong mass flow rate unit is used for ISO5167 and V-cone functions. Flow-Xpress 1.6.6 (06-06-2014) PR4972 FIX: Timestamp format option for historical queries was wrongly disabled. PR4963 NEW: Inter-query delay for ModbusMaster. PR4931 FIX: Standalone GUI crashed on minimizing if Windows explorer is killed. PR4917 FIX: When a dual-pulse line was interrupted, pulse counts would be buffered until connectivity was restored. PR4573 FIX: The enable slider of debug logs in the web interface is in the enabled position at startup, even though the debug log is disabled. PR4536 FIX: Parameter changes loaded from file in online mode only display the unit in the 'new value' column. PR4506 FIX: Last driver log message not flushed when drivers not running. PR4451 FIX: Device ID 255 is incorrectly not allowed in Modbus TCP/IP. PR4398 FIX: Time can run too fast on some modules in a multi module setup. PR4381 FIX: Flow-Xpress sometimes wrongly checks and compares the version used to save an application. PR4374 FIX: FXA files opened in Flow-Xpress cannot be copied. PR3674 FIX: FlowXClient writes only the first 32 values to the flow computer. Flow-Xpress 1.6.5 (20-02-2014) PR4663 NEW: Update Gas Metric to 1.4.1 and Liquid USC to 2.1.2. PR4652 NEW: Add EC Declaration of Conformity to CD. PR4633 FIX: Limits for retaining archive snapshots not configured correctly. PR4632 FIX: Archive snapshots could not be opened for large number of snapshots. PR4603 FIX: GUI goes out of memory when viewing many reports PR4529 NEW: Add support for Encapsulated Modbus Over TCP in ModbusServer. PR4500 IMP: Flow computer with slow connection is no longer classified as unreachable. PR4452 NEW: Add '25/20 C' reference conditions to SGERG_M function. Flow-Xpress 1.6.4 (13-12-2013) PR4603 FIX: Panel GUI may run out of memory when viewing many reports and/or archives. PR4586 FIX: Flow computer may hang when sending invalid HTTP form data. PR4578 FIX: Place Start Menu entries in brand subfolder if applicable. PR4577 FIX: Use correct logo on Parameter Report. PR4512 FIX: Flow-Xpress might not startup correctly if Flow-Xpert is also installed. PR4511 IMP: Allow specifying tag write level for changing system time. PR4500 FIX: Flow computers connected over a satellite link are sometimes shown as unreachable. PR4427 NEW: Add preliminary support for Excel 2013, Windows 8, Windows Server2012. PR4263 NEW: Add screensaver functionality for the panel LCD display. PR3904 FIX: Security webservice did not repond when invalid action was specified. PR3745 FIX: SoliView is unable to write license information on a clean system. Flow-Xpress 1.6.3 (22-10-2013) PR4431 FIX: 'Modbus master' communication driver wrongly reacts on the exception code like '01 83' in the data. PR4410 FIX: Contract hour is ignored when retrieving 15 minutes traces with CTE protocol. PR4233 FIX: Tag groups are displayed incorrectly in IE10. Flow-Xpress 1.6.2 (09-09-2013) PR4384 FIX: Large applications may cause reboot during startup due to short initialization timeout. Flow-Xpress 1.6.1 (25-08-2013) PR4353 FIX: API Table-E functions may incorrectly return 'No convergence' for low-temperature conditions. PR4351 FIX: Flow-Xpress shows the wrong flow computer icon for panels in the device browser. PR4348 FIX: Incorrect behaviour of FlowXpress when application files are edited by many users in parallel. PR4342 FIX: Flow computer becomes unreachable when the application file is modified by other programs while uploading. PR4332 FIX: Eventlog shows previous line when event type is unknown. PR4325 FIX: CPU load approximately 100% with corrupt eventdb. PR4303 FIX: License Manager cannot export license information when started without Administrator privileges. PR4299 FIX: No snapshots could be added to the archive that contains 999 files. PR4295 FIX: Crash when printing too many alarms in one report. PR4285 FIX: Incorrect loading of repeating rows in report definitions. PR4280 FIX: Parameter changes made via the LCD interface are not logged. PR4272 FIX: Options “Generate Copies = ” and “Reprint Copies = ” work only in new applications. PR4256 FIX: Empty report directories of reports are not removed after reports are removed. PR4244 FIX: AGA8_C returns Molar density in wrong units. PR4236 IMP: Extend error checking on enumeration input parameters of functions. PR4218 FIX: The 'Newline characters' setting of a serial printer has no effect. PR4173 FIX: Impossible to read from a flow-computer with non-empty read security level. PR4166 IMP: ModbusSlave protocol supports virtual devices. PR4144 FIX: License gets lost when VPN software is updated. PR4140 NEW: Add 'Kiosk'-mode and appropriate configurable options to the standalone GUI. PR4118 FIX: Possible crash when printing a report with no printer assigned. PR4095 FIX: Error message 'Printer not found' when no printers are configured. PR4086 FIX: FlowXpress crashes when removing a virtual communication device. PR4056 FIX: Error message 'One or more third party Addins are incorrectly registered with Excel' when an .XLAM addin is used. PR4054 FIX: License Manager (SoLi) does not start when FlowXpress and eXLerate are both installed. PR3878 NEW: Add CTE Slave communication protocol to Flow-X. PR3853 FIX: Parameter sychronization (redundancy) between flow computers may not restore correctly after both links are broken. PR3746 IMP: Add to LPD printers settings to specify control characters. PR2462 IMP: Show Product info in license export files. Flow-Xpress 1.6.0 (02-05-2013) PR4149 FIX: Flow computer produces extremely high numbers after prover run. PR4109 FIX: An out of memory exception can occur when requesting a large number of archive snapshots. PR4077 FIX: Exception occurs when switching from Basic-mode to Professional-mode when a user-Calculation is selected which has a unit of enum as type. PR4074 FIX: Redundancy editor in Flow-Xpress shows empty toolbar and odd context-menu when right-clicking on 'Synchronized tags'. PR4059 FIX: The units of calculation tags disappear when edited in professional mode of Flow-Xpress. PR4044 FIX: Hardware key dongles (HASP HL) are not detected when using Flow-Xpress from a Remote Desktop session (RDP). PR4043 FIX: Language texts may accidentally be removed when a display is deleted, even if another display with the same name exists (professional mode only). PR4041 IMP: Added option to System-menu of License Manager which the status of the attached hardware key (HASP HL). PR3985 IMP: Temporary files should be written to '%temp%\FlowXpress' rather than the %temp% root. PR3982 FIX: Selecting a pending-change in Online Mode may lead to a crash or unexpected results. PR3981 FIX: Parameters in Online Mode may crash or not work as expected when one of the modules of a Panel is not connected (tags have empty value). PR3931 FIX: Using Online Mode to edit parameters may create temp-files in %temp% which are not cleaned up. PR3930 FIX: Online-mode always shows all parameters, regardless of the conditions defined on the displays. PR3909 FIX: Flow-X listen mode does not support multi-drop Modbus on RS485. PR3903 FIX: Memory leak and crash may occur in Flow-Xpress when switching back & forward in the 'Update to Master' wizard. PR3899 IMP: Re-designed 'Update to Master' wizard so it is easier view/edit changes and resolve conflicts. PR3888 NEW: Add new 'Flow-Xpress Brand Exchange' license option for exchanging FXA files between different brands of Flow-Xpress. PR3887 NEW: Add prelimenary support for Excel 2013 (through the use of the '/allowexcel2013' command-line switch for Flow-Xpress.exe). PR3883 FIX: Incorrect icon is displayed in the Web-UI when a display is linked to the 'device' image. PR3877 FIX: Setup should not install when only a 64 bit version of Excel 2010 is installed. PR3850 IMP: 'Read debug info from Device' takes a long time because the full Event-log is downloaded for each module. PR3849 NEW: Extend 'Read debug info from Device' to download the new 'syslog' from the device (if available). PR3844 FIX: Fix various typos in UI, logging, error-message & web-responses. PR3839 FIX: System tag 'system!paramchangecount' and associated performance counter show incorrect value. PR3808 NEW: Add persistent 'syslog' for gathering additional system-info for diagnostical purposes. PR3806 FIX: When the 'Update to Master' wizard fails, the wizard is closed causing the changes made to be lost. PR3805 FIX: Updating the flow computer without rebooting causes a memory leak and may cause unexpected crashes when performed too many times. PR3786 FIX: When an application was updated to a new master, and the result contained multiple communication devices with the same DeviceId, a crash could occur. PR3779 FIX: Math function 'fxAPI_RD60F_NGL_LPG' may incorrectly return error 3 (no convergence) on seemingly valid inputs. PR3772 FIX: Flow computer may crash on startup when storage data has become corrupted (due to sudden power failure) and flow computer fails to recover the data. PR3759 IMP: The 'Update to Master' wizard should not show a conflict when an item has been deleted from the application and was modified in the master. PR3755 FIX: Reports display on the Web-UI stops working when a faulty response is received from the device. PR3754 FIX: The Web-UI or Touchscreen-UI may not list or display report(s) when other users or devices are simultanously accessing the reporting web-service. PR3740 FIX: 'Modbus master' communication driver does not set the protocol/query status to failed when the RS485 wire is broken. PR3736 NEW: Add '/showsysteminfo' command-line option to FlowXGui for showing memory-usage, screen-size, color-depth. etc.. on top of the UI. PR3732 FIX: Min/Max functions (fxBatchMin, fxBatchMax, fxPeriodMin & fxPeriodMax) behave incorrectly when Enable=False and they are reset (due to batch/period end). PR3730 FIX: Averaging functions (fxBatchTWA, fxBatchFWA, fxPeriodTWA & fxPeriodFWA) briefly set the output value to 0 when batch ends or period resets. PR3726 FIX: Using 'Read debug info from device' may fail when a module contains an exception log-file of 0 bytes long. PR3713 NEW: Add ability to hide command tags from the Tag browser in Flow-Xpress PR3703 IMP: GUI has high CPU utilisation when on blinking alarm-display and 'Ack All' button may seem unresponsive. PR3699 FIX: Exclude auto-reset and formula output tags from the list of available redundancy tags in Flow-Xpress. PR3677 FIX: Parameter sychronisation (redundancy) between flow computers may not restore correctly when connection is severed and restored. PR3673 FIX: Webservice '/writetags' does not reply with an error when too many tags are specified on the URL. PR3669 FIX: Progress indicator is not correctly updated when loading an FXA file. PR3668 FIX: Display-preview (and LCD-preview) sometimes don't show displays which have a 'condition' configured. PR3664 FIX: Redundant flow computers could potentially both become duty after frequently changing the duty/standby state. PR3660 DEL: Remove old 'sheet-based' reporting functionality from Flow-Xpress. PR3655 NEW: Add command-line switches to the FlowXGUI for reading and writing registry settings (useful for configuring the settings in the registry). PR3654 IMP: CPU utilisation goes up considerably (>10%) when redundancy is enabled on the flow computer. PR3652 FIX: Automatic selection of Duty/Standby (redundancy) does not work when only the 2nd network is connected. PR3649 FIX: Using 'Read debug info from Device' from Flow-Xpress doesn't work correctly on Flow-X/R devices. PR3648 IMP: Reduce the time it takes for Flow-Xpress to compile an application (+/- 3 sec). PR3645 FIX: Display preview and report editor in Flow-Xpress may not show the current parameter value. PR3644 IMP: Selecting a group in the parameter view of Flow-Xpress is too slow. PR3643 FIX: Touchscreen-UI (FlowXGUI) may crash when on the alarms-display. PR3628 FIX: Resetting the parameters in the Debug Offline environment of Flow-Xpress does not work. PR3616 FIX: Web-UI shows only the last 50 report and there is no option to view more reports. PR3615 FIX: Section headers in report editor of Flow-Xpress are no longer collapsible. PR3539 FIX: Physical cursor keys on Flow-X/M respond slowly and sometimes miss key presses (and autorepeat doesn't work). PR3515 FIX: The touchscreen-UI (FlowXGui) could crash with the message "GUI.exe has performed an illegal operation". PR3429 FIX: Chaning the number of lines on the LCD display may lead to a crash. PR3427 IMP: Make default settings of the FlowXGUI consistent over all platforms and configurable through both registry & command-line PR3385 NEW: Make it possible to configure the number of copies to print when a report is generated and number of copies to print when a report is re-printed. PR3384 NEW: Add support for assigning multiple printers to a report. PR3363 FIX: Setting the 'minimum stable time' of the 'fxTimePeriodInput' function resulted in an incorrect activity threshold. PR3358 IMP: Add option '/fullscreen:<0/1>' to FlowXGUI for enabling/disabling full screen mode. PR3352 FIX: 'fxPulseInput' IO function can re-output A and B signal, but not A only/B only. PR3351 NEW: Add 'fxTimePeriodInputEx' IO function to allow all combinations of modules and IO pins. PR3311 FIX: Editing a tag-value in Debug Offline does not work correctly when the tag uses an integer value and a fxSetOnXXX function is used to write the tag. PR3238 FIX: Disabling 'Report Printing' on a Flow-X/P only disables printing on the panel but not on the modules. PR3031 FIX: Reports contain empty values because fxPeriodLatchArray(..) function resets the data before the report is generated on station modules. PR3017 NEW: Add ability to configure the settings on network printers on the flow computer itself (IP, username, password, etc..). PR3016 NEW: Add ability to export/import favorite devices (including sub-folder) to/from a file. PR3015 NEW: Add abilty to group flow computers into subfolders and select each (sub-)folder for active polling PR2590 FIX: Deleting a column in the Report editor of Flow-Xpress shows incorrect column-name in the confirmation dialog. PR2544 FIX: Using auto-complete in the report editor to find a tag and hitting the 'Enter' key, does not insert the tag into the formula. PR2462 IMP: Creating an export of the installed license information now includes the name of the product. PR1842 FIX: Web-UI incorrectly shows 'Panel' below 'System\Modules' on Flow-X/R2 (or more) applications. Flow-Xpress 1.5.2 (24-01-2013) PR3737 FIX: The FlowXGUI may experience a leak when previewing a report in full-screen mode causing it to crash or disappear. PR3618 FIX: LCD on module incorrectly shows login screen when all root displays are conditional. PR3653 NEW: Added exception-handling and restart behavior to FlowXGUI, in case unexpected error occurs. PR3642 IMP: Improved anti-integrator windup for PID control. PR3632 FIX: Make (standalone) FlowXGUI /rotation option work on supported platforms. PR3603 NEW: Add Enter and ESC key support to FlowXGUI (e.g. using USB keyboard on panel PC's). PR3514 FIX: Fixed report-display on FlowXGUI which showed "No Reports" after a while or after previewing a report. PR3512 FIX: Scrolling to the next page of a report on the FlowXGUI shows message "Unable to preview Report...". PR3511 FIX: Scrolling to the next page of the event-log display on the FlowXGUI sometimes doesn't work (it jumps back). PR3428 IMP: Added support to FlowXGUI for resolution of '683 x 768' (vertical orientation). Flow-Xpress 1.5.1 (18-12-2012) PR3617 FIX: Limit memory usage by the real-time log webservice. PR3613 IMP: Improve HART master noise immunity for listen mode. PR3600 FIX: Use API MPMS 11.2.1 in GPA TP-27. PR3578 FIX: Editing value or description in User Calculation could be slow. PR3573 IMP: Improve HART master noise immunity for pre-amble parsing. PR3566 IMP: Advise user to upload initial application after OS upgrade of flowcomputer. PR3555 FIX: Report editor did not always refresh all properties when selecting another report. PR3554 FIX: Report editor did not always show spreadsheet contents when switching between professional / basic mode. PR3523 FIX: Corrected description of fxSetOnChange's Change parameter. PR3463 IMP: Save as Master doesn't allow compile errors. PR3461 IMP: Entering Debug Offline mode incorrectly marked the document as having changes. PR3460 FIX: Deleting multiple columns in report editor could cause exception. PR3446 FIX: List of reports sometimes was not cleared when opening another application. PR3445 NEW: Flow-X GUI has commandline/registry option to perform automatic login. PR3427 IMP: Flow-X GUI commandline/registry options have been simplified and made consistent with eachother. PR3420 FIX: Flow computer may crash and fail to boot when large historical data archives are used (> 1KB). PR3417 IMP: Update wizard now automatically recognises the same change in Master and Application. PR3415 IMP: Update wizard correctly handles device type change. PR3413 FIX: Fixed crash in Flow-Xpress which occured when closing a specific application. PR3412 FIX: Flow-X GUI could cache text value tags for wrong flowcomputer in multi-Flow-X setup. PR3409 FIX: Fixed crash in Flow-Xpress that could occur when viewing the parameters in case a parameter had an empty value. PR3407 FIX: Parameter-view in Flow-Xpress did not always show the correct display image (happened when displays were compressed because they only had 1 child). PR3405 FIX: Scrolling in Flow-Xpress Select Device window wasn't possible when sorting was enabled. PR3402 FIX: Some language labels were not translatable in WebUI. PR3397 IMP: Memory usage has been reduced in order to support even larger applications. PR3393 FIX: Web-UI did not always show the correct display image (happened when displays were compressed because they only had 1 child). PR3389 FIX: Printing a report from the Web-UI showed "Print Error" even though printing was succesful. PR3379 FIX: Display texts in Web-UI are not shown in the correct language when switching languages in the Web-UI. PR3338 IMP: Added checks and "strict-mode" to Flow-Xpress to prevent uploading to differently branded flow computers. PR3255 FIX: Modbus Server replied incorrectly to function code 15 (0F Hex) (multiple write coils). Flow-Xpress 1.5.0 (10-08-2012) PR3347 FIX: Touchscreen-UI shows 'page 1 of 0' instead of 'page 1 of 1' when no items exist on a display. PR3345 FIX: Always allow to navigate to the root 'Devices' display in standalone GUI. PR3307 IMP: Disable Automatic Calculation while loading an application in Flow-Xpress to speed up loading PR3298 FIX: 'Show all' button is incorrectly shown in Debug Online of Excel 2003 (should be hidden) PR3290 FIX: The displayed number of bus connections increases every time a module is re-connected. PR3280 IMP: Exception log is generated when an out of memory exception occurs even on very low memory PR3276 FIX: Device selection wizard in online mode reacts to double clicks in an empty device list PR3274 FIX: Check of parameter values does not complain about invalid values PR3273 FIX: Entering a new IP-address in the 'specify' tab of Flow-Xpress, does not correctly update the 'device-name' in the list control PR3272 IMP: Searching for devices using Flow-Xpress takes a long time when many (unconnectable) devices are discovered on the network PR3265 FIX: Module at position 0 (left-most) in Flow-X/R logs 'Panel () was started ...' on startup when configured as 'Standalone' & 'Auto-detect' PR3264 FIX: Flow-Xpress crashes when opening a new application in Basic Mode when the displays section is selected and on a tags display PR3249 FIX: Certain tag-names (e.g. STS1) cause compile errors when the application has the .fxa (or .xlsx) file-format (Excel 2010 allows more columns) PR3248 FIX: Write to a command tag via Modbus does not work correctly when tag is defined multiple times in same query PR3242 FIX: Coordinator does not always stop all comm threads correctly on clean shutdown PR3229 FIX: The flow computer web server may send an incomplete response and close the connection prematurely PR3208 IMP: Socket receive operations time out when remote host goes offline (e.g. severed network link) PR3198 IMP: Improved debug log messages in ModbusServer code in order to diagnose problems easier PR3195 NEW: Add support for Standalone GUI on CUWIN6400 platform (ARM + CE6) PR3189 FIX: The description of regular templates cannot be edited PR3185 FIX: Clear archives is not working after new archive is generated (only directly after reboot) PR3147 FIX: Typing in a valid IP-Address in the 'Specify' tab of the search-devices window, does not immediatly show the status of the device PR3144 FIX: fxTimePeriodInput gives compile errors when a name is filled in PR3142 IMP: StandaloneGUI is configurable without an actual Flow-X PR3134 FIX: fxPeriodTWA & fxBatchTWA may give incorrect values when transitioning from the 'disabled' to the 'enabled' state PR3133 FIX: Setting the backlight intensity in Debug Offline isn't possible but doesn't give an error PR3132 IMP: Add support to '/writetags' web-service so it returns the write-errors in an easier parsable format PR3128 IMP: Add support for requesting tag values without enumeration-text translation PR3121 FIX: If a security level is used in the condition of a display then the display is invisible in the parameters section of Flow-Xpress PR3114 NEW: New GUI and WebUI design PR3088 FIX: API_RD60F_NGL_LPG calculates the equilibrium pressure wrongly PR3085 FIX: AGA3 calculation fails on some test cases from the standard PR3081 FIX: Text and Title fields are sometimes initialized wrongly when adding a new Display in Flow-Xpress PR3078 NEW: Added 2009 edition to the GPA2172 calculation. PR3075 FIX: Units web-service returns incorrect 'parentid' for enumeration items. PR3072 NEW: New math calculation fxASTM_D1550 PR3071 NEW: New math calculation API MPMS Ethylene (API-2565) PR3061 NEW: New math calculation NIST1045 Ethylene PR3046 FIX: Match function do not use consistent input limits PR3045 FIX: Flow-Xpress does not always give compile error when a report-display refers to an invalid report PR3040 FIX: fxAPI_RD60F_NGL_LPG calculates CPL lower than 1 PR3039 FIX: fxEthylene_IUPAC_C does not calculate when input is outside table range PR3032 FIX: Full compile may fail with 'Failed to configure drivers XML stream' and doesn't say why it failed PR3026 NEW: A user can keep changes to Reports, Displays, Historical Archives, Calculations and Modbus lists when 'upgrading' to a new master application PR3008 FIX: Historical Modbus Driver does not work with Multiple Write PR3003 FIX: Using references to the same sheet as on which fxModuleValue(..) or fxModuleChoose(..) is defined, does not work for multiple modules PR2997 NEW: Add system tags which indicate the 'alive' status of other modules PR2996 NEW: Extend fxCounterInput(..) with 'validity' argument, so it ignores input values that are not valid PR2993 NEW: Add support for 'raw' data logging to the '/comm' web-service, in order to view all RX/TX data PR2985 NEW: Flow-Xpress should give warning when a HART query is configured with a time-out of less than 1300 ms PR2982 FIX: Historical archives are sometimes not displayed or only show up intermittently on the touchpanel GUI and in the web UI PR2973 NEW: Add logging support to GUI PR2951 FIX: Out-of-memory exception during exception handling causes stack overflow PR2914 FIX: Reduce GUI CPU usage for alarm display PR2912 NEW: Extend fxPulseInput / fxCounterInput to include time between first and last pulse in period PR2905 IMP: ModbusServer logs that a connection is made, and also logs the reason (error) when a connection was closed PR2903 FIX: Fix typo's in API 1952 tables PR2901 NEW: Display IP-Address instead of MAC-Address in Online Mode when the flow computer does not have a name defined PR2900 IMP: Extend the title-bar of Flow-Xpress to include the mode, and place the file-name/device in front so that it is shown in the Windows Task Bar PR2820 IMP: Renamed 'Load' to 'Continue' in Flow-Xpress 'Reading from device' dialog PR2798 FIX: Rollover output on Totalizer functions is never set to true, and therefore the associated alarms are never triggered PR2786 NEW: Add checks to setup for OS bit version and MS office bit version PR2784 NEW: Updated License Manager to most recent edition PR2648 FIX: fxBatchTotal(..) does not reset when the total is 0 PR2612 IMP: Prevent accidental cancel of 'write to device operation' by showing a prompt when performing a double key press or closing the window PR2608 FIX: Occasional switch from Master to Listen mode in redundant HART master setup PR2594 FIX: Text input control on specify tab of Select Device window is sometimes incorrectly disabled PR2551 IMP: Concise error message when opening read-only application in flow-xpress PR2493 FIX: Pop-ups are incorrectly layed out on the mobile version of the flow-computer web page. PR2347 FIX: After having saved an application with a different name ('Save As') the old name still appears in the status bar PR2253 FIX: Tag-display on Web-UI could show values for wrong page PR1823 NEW: Create proprietary (closed) file-format for Flow-Xpress (.fxa) PR1819 NEW: Add full navigation path on GUI PR1455 FIX: No Flow-Xpress archives are created when using Ctrl+S in Flow-Xpress PR0947 FIX: HART master: enforce minimum delay between independent queries (according to spec) Flow-Xpress (09-08-2012) PR3318 IMP: Extended range of API MPMS 11.2.2. PR3149 NEW: Added support for hardware without onboard FRAM. Flow-Xpress (12-07-2012) PR3205 FIX: New Modbus TCP Server: fix reconnect related lockups, improve performance under high-load conditions, better debug logging. Flow-Xpress (03-07-2012) PR3260 FIX: Trying to print a report which doesn't have a printer configured, causes reboot. PR3244 FIX: String tags in the ModbusSlave/ModbusMaster protocol may not be updated. PR3236 FIX: When using Virtual Communication Devices, the drivers start competing for opening the COM port even if no virtual device is selected. PR3235 FIX: Using the Uniform Master protocol may cause the flow computer to use 100% cpu time. PR3037 FIX: Flow-Xpress online mode may crash after adding a user and closing online-mode/flow-xpress. PR2936 FIX: Security on module at left-most position (0) of Flow-X/R cannot be updated in Online mode when configured as 'Standalone' and 'Auto-detect'. Flow-Xpress (08-06-2012) PR3223 FIX: Web-UI always stayed connected when on certain displays, regardless of configured timeouts. PR3222 IMP: Added generation of 'cpuwarning' exception-log in order to diagnose potential late watchdog reboots. PR3216 IMP: Added & improved debug messages in web-server for diagnostic purposes. PR3215 FIX: Diagnostic web-server (port 82) sometimes doesn't reply when used with certain browsers or with slow connections. PR3214 IMP: Web-UI now disconnects after the auto-logoff timeout, to prevent unnecesary left-open browsers from accessing flow computers indefinitely. PR3213 FIX: Local standalone GUI connections to the web-server are now prioritized so they don't suffer from connection hickups. PR3203 FIX: Web-UI often disconnects when downloading a report (or historical archive) using google Chrome. PR3202/PR3201 IMP: Added support for enabling Telnet/FTP through port 82 (for diagnostic purposes). PR3197 FIX: Fixed potential hanging in web-server in case connections are not closed correctly. PR3194 IMP: Added generation of exception-log files in case flow-xpress launcher (flowxpress.exe) unexpectedly fails. PR3184 FIX: Fixed potential crash or memory corruption when extremely larger floating point numbers were used. PR3183 FIX: '/comm' and '/rtlog' web-services sometimes showed empty lines. PR3158 FIX: Fixed potential crash which could occur when invalid web-requests or too long URL's were received. PR3083 FIX: Flow-Xpress sometimes incorrectly shows devices as unreachable. PR3001 IMP: Increased timeouts in Web-UI to 30 seconds and web-server to 15 seconds, in order to more forgiving on satellite connections. Flow-Xpress (05-03-2012) PR3049 FIX: In same cases station totals (fxCounterInput function) may increment too much after rebooting. PR3002 IMP: Make HART protocol more resilient to noise. PR2994/PR3000 FIX: Floating-point comparisions give unexpected results in some cases (since 1.3.2). PR2959 FIX: Fixed memory leak which could lead to reboot when connecting to the Modbus Server (TCP) too fast. PR2957 FIX: Historical archives were not generated when destination directory does not exist yet (since PR2949 FIX: Retrieving Historical data or Reports from a panel (which exist on a module) may fail when the module or panel is too busy. PR2942 IMP: Improved performance & memory usage through more intelligent detection of fixed references. RP2933 IMP: Reduced CPU usage of Touchscreen-GUI when displaying an alarm or tag display page. PR2924 IMP: Reduced memory usage on Communication drivers & language-texts, in order to support larger applications. PR2922 FIX: Reports show '0' instead of an empty-string if the forumla result is an empty-string. PR2913 NEW: Added new 'fxASTM_D4311M_09_C(..)' and 'fxASTM_D4311M_09_M(..)' asphalt calculations. PR2911 IMP: Drivers now log a debug message for every failed tag write operation. PR2906 FIX: fxPeriodLatchArray(..) may cause crash when strings are used as input values for the function PR2903 FIX: Corrections on Math API 1952 Table values. PR2897 IMP: Exception-logs now contain the full callstack in case of certain types of exceptions. PR2858 IMP: Added 'name' argument to '/alarms' which duplicates the behavior of the 'archive' argument (for consistency reasons). PR2857 FIX: Fixed memory-leak in the '/archives' web-service which may occur when an invalid 'cacheid' or 'changestamp' is specified. PR2856 FIX: Requesting all historical archives through a web-request may cause a restart because of memory exhaustion. PR2849 FIX: The flow computer may crash when alarms are being displayed beyond page 1 on the touchscreen or Web-UI. PR2836 FIX: Flow-Xpress silently fails to start when the Excel-addin is disabled and when not without Administrator privileges. PR2835/PR2833 IMP: System tag 'System\Device Setup\Bus Setup' is now automatically set to same setup as the application (e.g. Flow-X/P2) in Debug Offline. PR2831 FIX: Display setting 'Caption on LCD' is always reset to 'disabled' after restarting a module. PR2817 FIX: Reports containing formulas with multiple tag-refences, may return the wrong the value in some scenarios. PR2813 IMP: Web-server sends RST packet when closing a socket connection because 'shutdown' is not called on the socket. PR2810 IMP: Make HART protocol more reliable in case of multiple transmitters and listen mode. PR2794 IMP: Serial communication protocols now log parity & frame errors so it's easier to diagnose line problems. PR2793 IMP: Reduce number of log messages in communication drivers when the last message is repeated X times. PR2787 FIX: Clicking the 'Version' or 'Application' column in the Flow-Xpress search for devices window caused strange sorting behavior. PR2763/PR2744 IMP: Added internal repository signature's to both Flow-Xpress and the '/stats' web-service of the flow computer. PR2749 FIX: Fixed a memory leak when using Historical Data archives. PR2733 FIX: Historical Data archives are sometimes not generated. PR2690 NEW: Added new unit called 'Pressure' in order to differentiate between generic and differential pressure. PR2634 NEW: Added support for 'log tags' (e.g. totalizers) for which the value is logged at every event that is generated. PR2630 NEW: Added 'Read debug info from Device' option to Flow-Xpress for reading diagnostic-info from the flow computer. PR2624 FIX: Flow computer may become very busy and even reboot when using RS485 (e.g. when grounding is not correct). PR2573 FIX: fxBatchTotal(..), fxBatchFWA(..) & fxBatchTWA(..) functions didn't reset correctly when they were disabled and a batch end occured. pR2541 FIX: A cell in the report editor may loose its number format and formatting when clicking on a different cell in the report. PR2540 NEW: Added support for Find & Replace to the report editor in Flow-Xpress. PR2363 FIX: Modbus Server/Slave do not return exception when a tag is written which lies outside the valid limits. PR2252 FIX: Flow computer may not accept a written tag when it differs less than 1E-9 compared to the original value. PR1934/PR1950 FIX: Searching for devices in Flow-Xpress may fail on Windows 7/Vista/2008 when a (wireless) adapter is not connected. PR1509 FIX: The text 'ERROR 6' appears on reports when a date-time value with the value 0 is formatted as a string. PR1484 FIX: Changing the name of the 'SlaveID' on a communications sheet, may log an error, even though the Query-table was changed accordingly. PR1192 FIX: Flow-Xpress may display a license error after the computer has gone to sleep or standby. Flow-Xpress (06-10-2011) PR2621 FIX: A very small memory leak may occur when remotely changing the state of alarms (ack/suppress). PR2620 FIX: Communication tags and query/protocol statuses sometimes stop being updated (TAG_RESULT_INSUFFICENT_PRIVILEGES error). PR2611 IMP: The error messages shown after changing a tag on a non-reachable flow computer have been improved. PR2586 FIX: The report editor still shows the old report sheet after opening another application in Basic mode. PR2577 FIX: Reports containing an events-section may not always print all events to a serial printer. PR2572 FIX: The fxCommTagValue(..) function may return an incorrect value when it uses a virtual device and the value on the communication driver does not change. PR2570 FIX: the fxCommTagValue(..) function does not always work in debug offline. PR2568 FIX: Copying all units or enumerations from one application to another fails. PR2557 IMP: The Home button in the GUI should always be enabled when applicable, also when on a different page on the home-display. PR2556 FIX: Fixed very small memory leak in Touchscreen GUI when navigating to historical-data page and no historical data archives exist. PR2555 FIX: Navigating up in the touchscreen GUI sometimes selects the wrong page. PR2554 FIX: The Touchscreen GUI now always shows all page displays at whole page boundaries when pressing the 'Navigate to the end' button PR2550 FIX: Flow-Xpress online mode does not always cleanup the files in the temporary folder for timed updates. PR2532 NEW: Added new Ethylene viscosity calculation ( fxNIST_Ethylene_Visc_M(..) and fxNIST_Ethylene_Visc_C(..) ). PR2530 NEW: Extended IUPAC (Ethylene) functions with new outputs: Isobaric heat capacity, Isochoric heat capacity, Specific heats ratio & Speed of sound. PR2521 FIX: Sometimes Flow-Xpress does not launch after running the setup (in the windows event viewer, side-by-side errors occur). PR2496 FIX: Report event section time filter setting is lost after closing the advanced properties window in Flow-Xpess. PR2494 IMP: The background of the flow-computer website is not grayed out on the mobile version in case a Pop-up window is shown. PR2492 FIX: The flow computer webpage hangs at the loading screen on android's default browser. PR2491 FIX: The Web-UI interface preview for "Horizontal(800x480)" and "Vertical(480x800)" resolutions in FlowXpress sometimes hangs at the loading screen. PR2490 FIX: Unable to upload a new security configuration to flow computers running an Flow-X/S application that are mounted in a Flow-X/R or Flow-X/P at location <> 1. PR2480 FIX: The output saturation pressure of the IUPAC_C Ethylene function is incorrect. PR2445 IMP: The IP-address (device) for the ModbusServer protocol is now optional (when ommitted, = all local IP-addresses is used). PR2430 IMP: The report preview in Flow-Xpress may be incorrect when a report uses a tag which uses the E-notation format. PR2428 FIX: After opening an application in Flow-Xpress Pro and going to "Advanced Properties -> Displays -> Preview LCD Module", the LCD display is empty. PR2427 IMP: The 'System\Diagnostics' is now hidden on the LCD because it is always empty. PR2411 IMP: Disabled communication debug message 'all echo-bytes received' which was logged excessively for RS-485 lines. PR2404 FIX: In some situations, tags in recurring displays incorrectly show module suffix '1'. PR2402 FIX: Insert a column in the report editor shows the new column on wrong location in the report preview and in the generated report. PR2399 FIX: The 'specify' tab of the Upload and Download windows does not correctly update the IP-Address after changing the Ip-Address. PR2394 IMP: The Properties window in Flow-Xpress Professional sometimes ask to save changes after pressing the cancel button, even if nothing has changed. PR2391 FIX: Not all memory is released when zoom and navigate in report previews. PR2387 FIX: Flow-Xpress does not release all memory when opening and closing the Properties-window in Professional mode. PR2373 FIX: When editing a parameter with a tag that is shared by multiple other parameters, only the changes to the edited parameter are shown immediately. PR2372 FIX: A full compile fails if a tag contains a format string with characters that are not allowed in an XML document. PR2371 FIX: The touchscreen GUI shows "Backend not responding" when trying to obtain a very long list of reports. PR2366 IMP: If a communication device configuration error is double clicked in the output window, flow-Xpress does not navigate to the correct location. PR2365 IMP: If a virtual device has no configured devices, the error message does not describe the problem. PR2338 FIX: I/O-simulation does not work in 'debug offline' mode. PR2336 NEW: Added 'options' argument to the fxAGA10ex_M(..) function for performing faster calculations and optionally calculating the 'Critical flow factor'. PR2331 FIX: Clearing historical data (archives) on the flow computer does not reset the data in the Modbus driver. PR2326 IMP: When an application was written to a device, A security warning was shown in the output debug window: 'The configuration cannot be written to storage'. PR2323 FIX: The query status is not always updated to 'fail' if the device initially can't connect. PR2305 IMP: TimePeriodInput input is now less sensitive to spikes because of the new optional parameters 'min Pulse hi (default 0)' and 'min pulse low time (default 0)'. PR2287 NEW: Tag web service now supports filter option “Writeable” and accept user defined filters. PR2273 IMP: The StandAlone GUI now contains an option to be always on top (always the foreground window). PR2160 IMP: Online mode keeps the shown configuration in sync with the device. PR2155 IMP: The Web UI gives more descriptive messages in case of errors. PR2152 IMP: No proper compile error is given when modbus items are specified outside their assigned message space. PR2147 FIX: If a parameter contains a value outside the tag-limit or an invalid enum value, Debug offline does not start. PR2139 FIX: When writing a tag through the module LCD interface, no error is displayed when writing the tag fails (e.g. because of low-limit). PR2131 NEW: Added tag to set the in-use virtual device to the application (SYSGLOBAL!VIRTUALDEVICE1..n). PR1994 FIX: Writing parameters or security in Online mode briefly shows error message in status-bar. PR1979 NEW: Added command to manually switch Duty in the redundancy configuration. PR1753 NEW: The Flow-X web interface now contains a Calender Control to edit date and time. PR1546 FIX: The DAY() function sometimes returns an invalid day. PR1472 NEW: Security settings can be saved to and loaded from files. PR1208 FIX: The Parameter dialog does not allow exponential formats (scientific notation) to be entered. PR0923 FIX: The output of certain API functions is incorrect if the density input = 0. Flow-Xpress (15-09-2011) PR2549 IMP: Update flag of Iraq PR2396 IMP: Improved flowcomputer resource management for report preview and report printing using the XP-GUI or Web. Flow-Xpress (23-08-2011) PR2473 FIX: IUPAC calculation (ethylene) uses wrong constants. Flow-Xpress (01-08-2011) PR2379 FIX: Values of tags are sometimes not updated by new tag values received by the communication driver. Flow-Xpress (22-07-2011) PR2383 NEW: Websevice can execute arbitrary binaries on device and catch its output. PR2382 FIX: For some graphical network printers, reports are only printed after a flowcomputer restart. PR2379 FIX: Values of tags are sometimes not updated by new tag values received by the communication driver. PR2378 IMP: Extended memory size can be changed. PR2369 NEW: Application version is now included in the exception-dumps. Flow-Xpress (18-07-2011) PR2368 FIX: Automatic report cleanup functionality can delete wrong reports. PR2361 FIX: The reports page navigation was not correctly enabled and disabled in the XP-GUI and web. Flow-Xpress (07-07-2011) PR2345 IMP: Timed check for configuration changes in the flowcomputer when running the Online mode. PR2344 FIX: Write application with configured HART devices could fail. Flow-Xpress (04-07-2011) PR2330 IMP: Values received via Communication drivers are not rounded anymore. PR2277 FIX: A memory leak could occur in the Modbus Server driver when a lot of Modbus Client connections were made. PR2269 FIX: ModbusMaster did not switch correctly to listen mode when a query was configured without timeout. PR2251 NEW: Added tag option 'xto_ForceWrite' that forces a written tag value to always transmit through the communication driver. PR2040 IMP: Added Report editor documentation to the manual. PR1954 NEW: Added Modbus Master RS485 listen mode. Flow-Xpress (17-06-2011) PR2264 FIX: Period-totals were still sometimes reset on modules when the total used a period which was defined on a station module (also see PR2148). PR2247 FIX: Tags which only have a minimum or maximum configured (but not both) can cause compile errors and incorrect min/max checking on the device. PR2245 FIX: Google Chrome (version 12) sometimes loads very slow. PR2232 FIX: Fixed memory leak which affected mainly the XP-unit and was triggered by Web requests. PR2154 FIX: Bus-Setup is not editable when application is compiled on Excel 2003. Flow-Xpress (08-06-2011) PR2150 FIX: Upload and download windows show an extra column with caption 'Devices'. PR2149 IMP: Reduced CPU usage for core engine. PR2148 FIX: Period-totals on modules that are linked to a period which exists on another (station) module, are reset after restarting the device. PR2146 IMP: Switched '<<' and '>>' in communications logging so it's consistent with eXLerate. Flow-Xpress (01-06-2011) PR2138 IMP: Added constants (xqo_) and improved checks for communication query-options. PR2137 NEW: Added support for 'WriteAll' option (512) to communication queries in order to force whole queries to be written when only a few points have changed. PR2133 IMP: Added ability to '/writetags' web-service to write tags using their names (e.g. /writags?userkey=###&name=sysglobal!clear_events&value=1) PR2132/PR2128 FIX: Crash may occur when viewing communication logs (using /comm). PR2127 IMP: All texts in Module LCD display are now translatable. PR2126 NEW: Added new API functions fxAPI_Table53_1952(..), fxAPI_Table54_1952(..) and fxAPI_Dens15C_1952(..). PR2121 IMP: When updating a flowcomputer, the status in the upload window may toggle from connected/disconnect. PR2120 FIX: Touchscreen GUI shows page-navigation bar when there are exactly the same number of items that fit on the screen. PR2119 IMP: Touchscreen GUI does not show 'Group-headers' in tag-displays (same as Web-UI). PR2118 FIX: Help description title in Web-UI sometimes displays incorrect suffix '1'. PR2117 FIX: When adding or removing a global or module sheet, or changing the module/global recurring status, a compile error may occur. PR2116 FIX: It was incorrectly possible to drag & drop the navigation options on the left in Flow-Xpress. PR2112 IMP: No compile error is given when comm-tag is addressed using 'modx_' prefix in communication sheet. PR2108 NEW: Added support for new Reverse-Double datatype to Modbus Drivers. PR2107 FIX: Download window that does not contain any devices, had 'Next' Button enabled that allows to start the download. PR2101 IMP: Report displays which are linked to disabled reports and now automatically hidden. PR2094 NEW: Added new system tag 'SYSTEM!STARTEDTIME', which indicates the date/time the device was last started. PR2090 FIX: Unable to open (or read from flowcomputer) applications that use the .xlsx file-format. PR2089 FIX: FlowXPress gives a warning that it cannot read security file that was downloaded when an application was read from device. PR2060 FIX: In rare cases the System-display is not visible in Flow-Xpress and/or the flowcomputer. PR2059/PR1830 FIX: For custom displays suffix '1' is added to the module tags when only when 1 template is assigned to a module. PR2058 FIX: Editing a parameter in online mode may fail when the display tag is not using the default unit. PR2057 NEW: Added support for the setting the defaults for units and formats. PR2056 FIX: It is not possible to enter Descriptions for custom units. PR2054 FIX: Local LCD display does not show conditional displays when security level is used in the condition. PR2053 FIX: Tags linked to a enumeration, didn't give a compile error when the value was not in the enumeration. PR2052 FIX: Modbus Client disconnects when no data is received for more than 1 second. PR2038 FIX: fxTotalizerRate is not updated correctly when switching from Disabled to Enabled. PR2036 IMP: Auto-reset tags should only reset when they have not been updated explictly using an fxSetOn(..) function or through a communication driver. PR2035 FIX: Run-time selection of HART slave ID causes some HART devices to stop communicating. PR2034/PR1490 IMP: exSetOnCondition(..) has been modified so that it is executed every cycle the 'Condition'-argument is TRUE. PR2032 FIX: Module LCD cannot view and generate reports of other modules. PR2024/PR2014 FIX: Print button on User Interface didn't always work. PR2023 FIX: Reports that are printed to text-printers, only print the first page. PR2021 IMP: Renamed 'DeviceId' to 'DeviceNr' in communication drivers configuration screen. PR2019 FIX: Resetting totals or resetting all should trigger a full re-calculation of the spreadsheet. PR2013 FIX: Disabling reports in Flow-Xpress may lead to compile errors on report displays. PR2012 FIX: Flowcomputer may fail to boot in case many protocols are configured. PR2010 NEW: Improved /Comm web-service and added it to the Web-UI (System\Diagnostics\Module X\Communications) PR2009 FIX: Deleting a character in report name of Flow-Xpress asks for deletion of entire report. PR2008 IMP: Added support for copying/pasting reports between applications. PR2006 FIX: Flowcomputer may reboot or fail to boot when an invalid Double is received through a comm. driver. PR2005 FIX: ModbusClient and ModbusMaster don't always poll all queries when many queries are configured. PR2004 FIX: Disconnecting of a HART transmitter is not detected by the passively listening FC. PR2002 FIX: No compile error is given when calculation has incorrect opening/closing brackets. PR1996/PR1908 FIX: $(PageNums) and $(PrintTime) are not working on reports. PR1995 FIX: Report display on Web-UI briefly shows old reports when switching reports and retrieving the reports takes a while. PR1993 FIX: Progress-bar in Flow-Xpress Professional is in some cases shown in wrong position (top of screen) when Flow-Xpress was started in Basic Mode. PR1991 FIX: fxSetonCondition should be re-executed after a Parameter Reset. PR1974 FIX: Floats are written incorrectly when 16-bit register addressing is used for Modbus communication. PR1970 NEW: Added support for editing the security (users) of multiple devices; and load and save from file. PR1967 FIX: In some cases the wrong enumeration value is shown on reports. PR1955 FIX: Performing a Reset and Clear All or Clearing all reports may cause a restart of the flowcomputer because the operation takes a long time. PR1952 FIX: Communication drivers debug webservice (/Comm) doesn't work correctly on Firefox 4. PR1951 FIX: Auto-reset tags that live on modules but are written through communication drivers on the XP, sometimes stop being updated. PR1948 FIX: Added a check so that it is not possible to reference global autoreset tags from module sheets (because this is not safe). PR1906 FIX: LCD truncates text "The device needs to be restarted..." when 4 lines are used on display. PR1904 FIX: Seal-switch indicator sometimes toggles between locked and not locked, when module is locked. PR1897 FIX: Web-UI sometimes used old settings, such as the navigate home after x seconds, on Chrome and IE. PR1813 FIX: New languages are not always directly visible in IE/Chrome or on the touchscreen UI. PR1804 IMP: When using xui_cmd or xui_directcmd in a fxTag(..) function, it is now implied that AutoReset is True and also that InitialValue is 0. PR1796 IMP: Added support for immediatly testing the configured users in the Preview section of the Displays. PR1743 NEW: Added new GOST functions fxGOST8_586_2005_EdgeRadius(..), fxGOST8_586_2005_SteelExpansionFactor(..), fxGOST8_586_2005_MassFlowRate(..). PR1736 FIX: "Unable to extract theme.zip" may appear when an older version of flow-xpress was previously installed on the system. PR1722 IMP: When an application is written for the first time to a flowcomputer, the new security settings are made persistent. PR1721 FIX: Application version and date/time on Versions display are not updated after updating device without restarting. PR1700 FIX: System-time is suddenly changed after changing the cycle-time. PR1691 FIX: WWW folder may contain unnecessary files after upgrading from older versions of Flow-Xpress. PR1611 FIX: Some images on touchscreen (GUI) are "squeezed" slightly in the middle (e.g. zoom button). PR1595/PR1926 FIX: Some non-volatile functions are not re-executed after a Reset-All or Reset-Totals command. PR1579 FIX: fxAnaloginput(..) gives faulty outputs when averaging type is root mean square and with no signal attached. PR1482 FIX: fxDigitalOutput(..) always applies minimum activation time. PR1463 NEW: Added ability to sort devices in the "search for devices" control and automatically select last selected device when window becomes visible. PR1408 FIX: Selecting a language on the Web-UI and GUI while on the login page, causes the screen to navigate to another page. PR1366 NEW: Added new system tag 'SYSTEM!SHUTDOWNTIME', which indicates the date/time the device was last shutdown. PR1308 FIX: Analog input sometimes gave incorrect alarm when a certain limit was reached. PR1232/PR1136 NEW: Added new report editor which can be accessed from Basic Mode entirely. PR1198/PR1122 IMP: Report names are now displayed without module-id suffix on standalone devices and on station modules. PR1197 IMP: Report names are now displayed with module-name instead of module-id suffix. PR1156 NEW: Added SSL-support (HTTPS) to web-server (using self-signed certificates). PR1116/PR1005 IMP: Parameters in Debug Offline are now identical to those of the Parameters section of the application. PR1108 FIX: Navigation tree in Web-UI didn't respond to keyboard input in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. PR1093 NEW: Added and integrated the documentation into Flow-Xpress. PR920 FIX: Time-out for Modbus Server does not work correctly. PR798 IMP: Clicking again on the Alarm-button on the Web-UI now navigates to the last selected page. PR714 IMP: Debug Online in Professional Mode does not update the sheets that live on other modules than it was connected to. PR684 NEW: Added option to 'Show All' conditions for testing the display configuration. Flow-Xpress (30-03-2011) PR1998 FIX: Too long application filename may cause compile error. PR1997 FIX: fxName(..) function embedded in fxBatch(..) function may cause compile errors when writing to device. PR1996 FIX: $(NumPages) and $(PrintTime) aren't updated on graphical reports. PR1536 NEW: Added option to show the full date/time on the titlebar of the Web-UI. Flow-Xpress (28-03-2011) PR1989 FIX: The value of enumeration-items that were created in Professional mode were modifiable in Basic-mode (this should not be allowed). PR1988 FIX: Context-menu-item on the Units or Enumerations screen are sometimes disabled. PR1986 IMP: OK button of Properties window in Professional mode should always be enabled. PR1983 FIX: Prevented users from editing the name of the panel, because it is not used anywhere. PR1975 FIX: Incomprehensible compile error is given when unit specified in fxTag(..) function is invalid. PR1973 FIX: Fixed memory-leak when working with Flow-Xpress a long time in combination with Excel 2003. PR1972 FIX: Changes to redundancy IP-addresses were lost after restart. PR1971 FIX: Unable to write parameters to device in online mode. PR1968 FIX: Bus Status of Flow-X/S placed in rack, is now also correct also when the bus-address is left to "auto-detect". PR1966 IMP: Added support for providing a descriptive-text for batches and periods through using the 'text' property of the fxName(..) function (when embedded inside name-argument of the fxBatch/fxPeriod functions) PR1965 IMP: Added support for hidding batches and periods from UI using 'visible' argument in fxBatch and fxPeriod functions. PR1964 FIX: Certain foreign language functions (containing non-ASCII characters) don't lead to a compile error, but they should have. PR1962 FIX: Duplicate tag '***' found which conflicts with location '***' sometimes shows empty location. PR1958 NEW: Added new functions fxAPI_Gravity60F_1952(..), fxAPI_Table5_1952(..) and fxAPI_Table6_1952(..). PR1957 FIX: Unable to retrieve report module through other module or XP. PR1953/PR1827 FIX: Script error occur in Web-UI when Internet Explorer 9 is installed and a combo-box value is changed. PR1947 FIX: Script errors may occur in Web-UI when changing certain parameters PR1946 FIX: Serial communication status not always correct after startup. PR1922 IMP: Removed limit that only 999 reports of any particular report can be stored on the device. PR1921 FIX: Time and Conditional displays on Touchscreen-GUI aren't updated since version 1.1.2 (Build 1602). PR1915 FIX: Alarm display on Web-UI shows incorrect color for certain alarm states (e.g. Blocked + Active). PR1913 FIX: Alarm and Event-log display editor in Flow-Xpress don't always update 'Custom' fields correctly. PR1908 FIX: Report is printed with $(PageNum) instead of actual number of pages. PR1835 NEW: Added support for configuring selectable devices (virtual devices) for COM-ports. PR1825 FIX: Entering text in Calculation group help descriptor is slow in certain circumstances. PR1795 NEW: Condition of System-display is now configurable. PR1578 IMP: Reports Window in Debug Offline now sorts the reports by module number. Flow-Xpress (27-01-2011) PR1916 IMP: Added option to change the last digit of the version number of a Flow-X application. PR1914 FIX: Batch-latches, watches and min/max values don't reset properly on batch-end when used on station-sheets of multi-module flowcomputers. PR1912 IMP: Made 'command' argument of fxBatchLatch(..) function optional (when optional, the proper batch-end trigger is used to latch the value). PR1910 FIX: Upload to flowcomputer may fail with 'Unable to process form-data' with large applications. Flow-Xpress (21-01-2011) PR1833 IMP: Big improvements to calculation-speed, memory-usage and overal performance. PR1810 FIX: After editing value on touchscreen, the first page of the display is always incorrectly selected. PR1807 IMP: Reduced memory usage for communication drivers and improved startup speed. PR1772 FIX: Flow-Xpress does not compile when Calculation uses tag of comms device that does not exist. PR1738 IMP: Flow-Xpress gives no compile error when read/write/edit security levels are higher than the user with the highest security level. PR1735 IMP: Templates & Sheets overview now shows the communication sheets grouped below one group and various other UI improvements. PR1733 IMP: Improved speed for the tag-browser in Flow-Xpress. PR1647 NEW: Added system-tag to control brightness of touchscreen LCD. PR1506 NEW: Added support for editing Units & Enumerations in Basic-mode. PR1461 IMP: Trying to change certain system tags (e.g. CYCLETIME) outside its limit now generates a proper error on the UI. PR1401 IMP: Added 'restart required' notifications to LCD-display when certain system-tags are changed. PR1249 FIX: Fixed time-synchronisation on Flow-X/R configurations. PR1066 NEW: Added communication debug monitoring and logging to Web-interface. Flow-Xpress (10-01-2011) PR1895 IMP: Reduced memory usage and improved startup performance for communication drivers PR1894 FIX: Enumeration tags are reset to 0 when written by the communication driver. PR1828 FIX: Modbus server/slave: do not update the whole query when only a single item was updated. Flow-Xpress (05-01-2011) PR1843 FIX: Remote report printing and viewing reports on remote modules no longer works are soft-booting flowcomputer. PR1841 FIX: Flowcomputer may reboot at startup and roll-back application when startup-time exceeds 60 seconds. PR1840 FIX: Reports are not printed even though they appear to be correctly configured in Flow-Xpress. PR1839 FIX: Reports were lost after assign template to another module in Flow-Xpress. PR1837 FIX: GUI (touchscreen) does not show any values on some displays. PR1834 FIX: Communication drivers which contain configurable query/protocol tags could lead to crash upon startup. PR1832 FIX: Unable to write Flow-X/R applications. PR1831 FIX: Flowcomputer CPU usage becomes higher after reports are stored on device (Clean old reports task is executed too often). PR1816 FIX: Commands defined on communication sheets are reported when new data come in via the query, even if no tag change took place. PR1803 FIX: Spreadsheet expression (FALSE=0) evaluates to False. PR1741 FIX: Changing a printer-name to an existing printer-name, causes one of the printers to be removed. PR1740 FIX: Configured printers sometimes disappear after they have been configured in Flow-Xpress. PR1727 FIX: LCD-display does not use unit defined in display when writing tag values. PR1720 NEW: Added new function for CO2 density calculation. Flow-Xpress (29-11-2010) PR1729 FIX: Exception in Flow-Xpress occurs when editing an calculation expressions. PR1728 FIX: Double clicking an auto-complete tag when editing a calculation expression causes exception. PR1725 IMP: Historical Archives that are recurred for every module no longer show module suffix. PR1724 FIX: Historical data items are not displayed in same order as configured. PR1723 IMP: Historical data editor in Flow-Xpress now also shows tag-text. PR1719 FIX: Device selection list-control does not allow selecting a single device after all devices have been selected. PR1717 IMP: Exception reports in FlowXpress.dll now include line numbers where possible. PR1711 FIX: Units and Enumerations that are updated without restarting the device, don't become active. PR1710 FIX: Pulse input: corrected/error count and freq temporarily set to invalid values after minor configuration-change. PR1706 FIX: Devices browser in Flow-Xpress now hides netwerk-adapters of a flowcomputer (was confusing to customers). PR1705 FIX: Modbus Client communication status not always OK after rebooting. PR1704 FIX: Telnet/FTP were accidentally enabled in previous build at boot, should be disabled per default. PR1702 FIX: Compiler gives error when comm tag is referenced from a comm-sheet and the device does not exist. PR1701 FIX: 'good pulse reset limit' argument of fxPulseInput causes momentarily wrong values for 'err rate' and 'err inc' to appear. PR1695 FIX: Unable to upload to flowcomputer which has older firmware and a different application as is configured in the bus setup. PR1693 FIX: IO Displays configured in the System template are also visible for the panel module which has no IO. PR1690 FIX: Certain security related information should be hidden in Debug Logs of Web subsystem. PR1686 FIX: Debug-logs of other modules are not accessible through XP. PR1684 FIX: Add option to set the HART slave ID in a HART transmitter. PR1677 FIX: Min and max for parameter value not correctly applied when other unit is configured on the display. PR1663 FIX: Historical data of modules is not visible on XP. PR1625 NEW: Added support for defining alarms on communication sheets. PR1616 FIX: API Table 24 (2004) returns strange numbers when all inputs are 0 (which leads to #NUM! calculation issues). PR1570 FIX: NGL_LPG functions take absolute pressure and not gauge pressure. PR1537 FIX: Reports are deleted when setting date/time backwards. PR1534 IMP: Communication alarms are suppressed during startup. PR1511 IMP: Tags on modules that are not connected are now forced to an empty value. PR1505 IMP: Added prompt to copy/paste of enumerations/units on what to do (overwrite/leave). PR1500 IMP: Parameters that are changed through a communication driver now also log an event. PR1432 FIX: Added diagnostics displays to Web-UI for accesing: Bootlog, Report-Queue, Exceptions & Debug-Logs. PR1430 FIX: FlowXpress allows more than 1 protocol to be assigned to RS-232 COM ports. PR1426 NEW: Added system tag for rebooting the device (REBOOT_DEVICE). PR1231 IMP: Too many digits are shown for floating point values that are received through communication drivers. PR1073 NEW: Added option to Flow-Xpress paramater view to always show all parameters (instead of only those that are applicable). PR935 IMP: Communiation driver items of type 'string' now send enumeration tag-values in text-form instead (e.g. "ENABLED" instead of '1'). PR918 NEW: Added support for the MATCH(..) function. Flow-Xpress (25-10-2010) PR1687 FIX: Reading application from flowcomputer that was written using 'Partial' upload, cannot be read back. PR1683 FIX: Exception can occur in Flow-Xpress when searching for remote devices finishes. PR1682 FIX: Flowcomputer may fail to start when ModbusClient is used. PR1681 IMP: Various layout improvements to Touchscreen-UI and Web-UI. PR1679 NEW: Added ability to view debug logs to Web-UI. PR1674 FIX: Fixed incorrect value in ISO6976 Table 5 for Propane at 25/20 deg.C from 95.25 into 92.25. PR1673/PR960 IMP: The Upload UI has been redesigned and improved user feedback. PR1668 FIX: Historical archives are always displayed in the default language. PR1667 FIX: Historical Archives are not generated when set to recurring and linked to module batch/period. PR1662/PR1488 NEW: Added possibility to download historical data just through Web-UI (as .XML/.CSV/.TXT files). PR1661 NEW: Added support for standard Excel CHAR(..) function. PR1638 NEW: Flowcomputer can now be updated without restarting (only when certain sub-systems are affected). PR1637 FIX: When copying a Comms sheet all current references are linked to new sheet. PR1636 FIX: It is no longer possible to assign a Text Printer to a HART loop. PR1557 NEW: User commands now generate a log-event (by default). PR1545/PR1385 FIX: Compile causes many errors when interrupted by clicking or pressing a key while compiling. PR1532 FIX: Excel may crash on complex fxSet function. PR1529 FIX: For station reports the generation definition is reset to 'Manual' when changing device setup. PR1513 IMP: Writing an application should only be allowed when bus setup is correct. PR1485 FIX: FlowXpress didn't check displays of communication templates who were not assigned to any port. PR1091 IMP: Made Web-UI fully compatible with Chrome, Safari, Opera and for iPhone & iPad. Flow-Xpress (05-10-2010) PR1666 FIX: Auto logoff and navigate home timeouts in GUI (touchscreen) don't work correctly when enabled. PR1664 FIX: GUI does not return to tag display after "Device needs to be restarted" prompt. PR1653 FIX: Using long formulas inside fxSetOn.. functions could lead to crash during compiling (during post-processing). PR1652 FIX: AGA3 doesn't always converge because of too tight limit. PR1651 IMP: Added aga3 specific status output to AGA3 calculation function. PR1650 FIX: fxTotalizerRate should count flow of the last-cycle it was re-enabled in. PR1552 FIX: AGA3 gives faulty return codes. Flow-Xpress (13-09-2010) PR1646 FIX: Not possible to print reports from the Touchscreen or WebUI which are defined as "store only". PR1645 FIX: Report is not automatically send to the printer. Flow-Xpress (10-09-2010) PR1644 FIX: When a report is configured as store only, an incorrect event is logged about the report not being printed as well as printing becomes delayed. PR1643 FIX: Time-synchronisation between GUI-module and others modules causes daily production to be off by 1 or 2 cycles. PR1642 FIX: Replaced Metering Innovations logo by Flow-X logo on LCD. PR1641 FIX: Hart communication drivers accidentally broken in build 1380. PR1640 FIX: Original reporting lose changed settings if an application is saved and opened again. Flow-Xpress (08-09-2010) PR1635 FIX: Setting the system-time backward/forward can cause event-log to show up as empty. PR1634 FIX: Downloading a report using Internet Explorer and choosing "Open" opens the document in the same window. PR1633 FIX: Using fxModuleXXX(..) or fxRelModule(..) function as the second or third argument of a fxSetOnXXX(..) function caused the name of the tag to be written instead of the tag-value. PR1632 FIX: Some names for tags were incorrectly allowed, which could cause full-compile to fail. PR1631 FIX: Certain names (e.g. 'UseBackupBSW2') were incorrect recognized as range-addresses, causing Full-Compile to fail. PR1629 IMP: Improved startup speed of serial communication drivers on flowcomputer. PR1626/PR969 IMP: Improved Export/Import of languages. Flow-Xpress (01-09-2010) PR1627 FIX: Some applications saved in very old versions of Flow-Xpress cause exceptions when loaded. PR1624 FIX: Communication devices assigned to Ethernet port disappear in some applications. PR1623 FIX: Referring to certain tags (those that don't exist as names on sheets) from Calculations or using fxTagValue(..) gives a compile error during full-compile. PR1622 NEW: Added system tag for mechanical lock status (SYSTEM!MODULELOCK & SYSGLOBAL!DEVICELOCK). PR1620 IMP: fxTagValue(..) function can now we used from any sheet (instead of only custom sheets). PR1619 FIX: Calculation-tags referenced from reports using fxTagValue(..) always return 0. PR1618 IMP: No compile error is given when filter on alarm display is incorrect (e.g. uses invalid variables). PR1615 IMP: No compile error is generated on calculation expressions when a name starts with FALSE or TRUE (e.g. FALSE7). PR1614 IMP: TRUE/FALSE should be case insensitive in Calculation expressions. PR1613 FIX: Batch functions (watch, latch, min & max) don't correctly copy current to previous value when no inputs change in between batch resets. PR1612 FIX: Reading event-log using iterators does not work correctly when the most recent items are reached. PR1610 NEW: Added support for setting the brightness of the LCD display. PR1608 FIX: Memory leak when previewing reports on touchscreen (GUI). PR1607 IMP: Report preview on touchscreen is unsharp and slow. PR1585 FIX: Serial printers didn't use flowcomputer COM-settings but those configured in Flow-Xpress instead. PR1577 IMP: 'Reset Totals' option now also resets period and batch data. PR1361 NEW: Added filtering support to events display. PR1072 FIX: fxROCAlarm does not work properly. Flow-Xpress (23-08-2010) PR1605 FIX: Custom fields for reports are not recognized until __Version=FC.Report:2.0 is specified. PR1604 FIX: Module filter specified for events-section in reports is not recognized. PR1603/PR1526 NEW: Added option to clear print-queues. PR1602 FIX: Flowmodule may crash after printing a report on another module. PR1601 FIX: Event-printer only prints events of local module. PR1600 FIX: Reports are continuously send to the printer of another module. PR1599 FIX: Flowcomputer could freeze/reboot when too many events are being generated. PR1598 FIX: Display tag Formats not saved in file. PR1597 FIX: Can't scroll through events on touchscreen when less than 100 events exist in the log. PR1583 FIX: Uploading a flowcomputer sometimes selects the wrong flowcomputer when a large list of flowcomputers exists and/or the flowcomputer is not accessible. PR1525 IMP: Reports are not generated immediately when printer is not attached. Flow-Xpress (18-08-2010) PR1594 IMP: Added option to reset-menu to reset all period-data. PR1592 FIX: Events on reports are not sorted correctly. PR1591 FIX: Fields on reports are not resolved when used in 'Row' row-types. PR1590 FIX: Instance not loaded appears when previewing a report on the touchscreen. PR1589 FIX: Previewing a report on the touchscreen does not page show navigation buttons. PR1588 FIX: Querying the reports using the /reports web-service returns all local returns twice (happens when no explicit filter is specified). PR1587 FIX: Entering a e-notation value on the touchscreen (GUI) is not accepted (+ is ignored). PR1586 IMP: Add 'ModuleID' option to events-section on reports for showing only the local events on a report. PR1584 FIX: Logging in on LCD causes PIN to be revelead in event-log. Flow-Xpress (05-08-2010) PR1581 FIX: Communication devices assigned to ETH port in the FlowX/P disappear. Flow-Xpress (03-08-2010) PR1576 FIX: Recurring icon was shown on custom displays after copying a display from a template. PR1573 IMP: Improved Flow-Xpress online mode connectivity on very slow connections. PR1569 FIX: Compiler does not allow Modbus items for non-existing modules. PR1566 NEW: Added support for Excel 2010. PR1563 FIX: Compile errors may occur after communication devices have been removed or moved. PR1562 FIX: fxAPI_MPMS_11_2_2(..) function applies incorrect rounding on relative density. PR1560 FIX: Flow-X gives wrong reply on Modbus function 5. PR1559 FIX: Flow-Xpress may crash when closing the program on Vista or Windows 7. PR1556 FIX: Touchscreen displays the tag in it's base unit when editing the tag (instead of the unit configured on the display). PR1550/PR1531 NEW: fxCommTagValue(..), fxRelModuleValue(..) and fxRelModuleChoose(..) can now be used to specify a target inside a fxSetOnXXX(..) function. PR1548 FIX: Filter argument of report web-service on device didn't work as expected. PR1547 FIX: fxPeriod(..) and fxBatch(..) didn't work correctly after resetting all data on device (reboot was required). PR1542 IMP: Renamed reset and clear all system tag to make it more clear. PR1533 FIX: Partial upload feature could make it impossible to upload to older FC firmware versions. PR1522 FIX: Unable to change password of user in Flow-Xpress online mode. PR1520 IMP: Communication devices assigned to ethernet of X/S module are now automatically assigned to X/P when changing device configuration. PR1519 FIX: It is incorrectly possible to defined a graphical printer on a serial port. PR1514 NEW: Added new system-tag "SYSTEM!PARAMCHANGECOUNT" so external systems can quickly check whether a parameter has changed. PR1501 NEW: Added new API functions fxAPI_SG60F_1952(..), fxAPI_Table23_1952(..) and fxAPI_Table24_1952(..). PR1491 FIX: Cannot clear Password and/or Pin in Flow-Xpress. PR1483 NEW: Added find & replace support to Historical data archives. PR994 IMP: Flow-Xpress no longer requires admin-rights. Flow-Xpress (25-06-2010) PR1517 FIX: fxRelModuleValue(..) and other module-functions which refer to non-existing modules display the initial value instead of 0 on generated reports. PR1510 FIX: Display conditions don't work for report and historical data displays. PR1507 FIX: Crash in Flow-Xpress when viewing parameters in Basic mode and switching to Professional mode. PR1504 FIX: Search and replace works incorrectly in Calculations. PR1502 FIX: When double-clicking a tag from the tag-browser it is always copied to the value/expression field of the Calculation instead of the focused field. PR1495 FIX: Zoom button on touchscreen sometimes has wrong state after logging in/out or changing language. PR1491 FIX: Unable to clear Password and/or Pin in Flow-Xpress. PR1498 NEW: Added support for plain text printing directly over Ethernet. PR1486 FIX: Fixed memory leak in touchscreen GUI. PR1481 FIX: fxAPI_11332 Propylene gives wrong results. PR1480 FIX: Spreadsheet expressions which use the exponent operator (e.g. "6^5.7") didn't support exponents with fractions. PR1471 FIX: Compiler generates errors for displays that refer to IO-tags when that display is placed in the system-template. PR1465 FIX: Calculations editor always copies selected tag from tag-browser to value column (should be selected column). PR1457 NEW: Added steam calculations fxIAPWS-IP97_C(..) and fxIAPWS-IP97_M(..). PR1451 NEW: Added Ethylene calculations fxEthylene_IUPAC_C(..) and fxEthylene_IUPAC_M(..). PR1446 IMP: Passwords & Pins are transferred encrypted over HTTP. PR1444 NEW: Calculations editor in Flow-Xpress has been redesigned and missing properties have been added. PR1407 FIX: Print preview on XP could display a black screen. PR1304 IMP: Uploading an application has been optimized and made faster so that only new or changed files are updated. PR1264 FIX: Flow-X does not start up because of a specific network printer definition. PR885 NEW: Settings of communication drivers (e.g. SlaveID) can now be made configurable through tags. PR821 FIX: Upload application to device fails silently if there is not enough available disk space. Flow-Xpress (07-06-2010) PR1464 FIX: Changing the date/time when it contains AM/PM in the format doesn't work. PR1462 IMP: Added ability to re-order the templates in the display editor (same way as displays can be re-ordered). PR1460 FIX: Tag-texts with & character could lead to error when entering debug offline of full compiling in Flow-Xpress. PR1459 IMP: Improved error feedback when writing to tag and it fails. PR1458 IMP: Re-organized some settings in Flow-Xpress so it's more logical and easier to access. PR1454 FIX: After uploading (full compiling) Flow-Xpress didn't prompt to save the application. PR1453 FIX: Filename of archives created by FlowXpress when saving is not correct (month is incorrect). PR1452 IMP: UI now shows min/max range when editing tag value. PR1450 FIX: Hidden functions were accidentaly visible in Flow-Xpress Insert Function ribbon option (Excel 2007 only). PR1449 FIX: Tag display on Touchscreen UI cuts of the name of the tag when no value is displayed. PR1448 FIX: Login screen on Touchscreen UI is not multi-lingual. PR1435 NEW: Added possibility to preset totalizers to a specific value. PR1409 NEW: Added possibility to force the end of a period (new argument of fxPeriod(..) function). PR1402 NEW: Added possibility to correct the totals with a specific amount (positive and negative). PR1378 FIX: Touchscreen UI does not navigate to home page when configured in Flow-Xpress. PR1275 FIX: Web-UI or Touchscreen-UI could get confused and act weird when IP address with invalid format was written to Flowcomputer. PR1004 NEW: Online-mode in Flow-Xpress no longer loads the whole application (performance & bandwidth improvement). PR959 IMP: Added support for copy/paste for display roots. PR888 IMP: Extended fxSetOn...(..) functions so that fxModuleValue(..) or fxModuleChoose(..) can be used for the target argument. PR781 NEW: The device-name and current time are now shown on the title-bar of the UI's. Flow-Xpress (12-05-2010) PR1434/1427 FIX: Crash can occur (usually on startup) in large applications that use all the extended memory. PR1431 IMP: Texts on touchscreen now look better and startup texts have been improved. PR1429 IMP: Improved memory efficiency which allows loading of larger applications. PR1428 FIX: Tags with enumerations should only accept values that correspond to the enumeration. PR1423 NEW: Added system-tag (SYSTEM!BUSTSTATUS) which indicates the communication status with the other modules. PR1422 NEW: Added support for Flow-X/R (Rack mounted) flowcomputers. PR1417 FIX: Report displays inside templates should not be able to refer to generated reports. PR1414 FIX: Alarm synchronisation may cause crash, fail or cause corruption. PR1413 FIX: A critical resource leak occurs when transferring Logs over the Bus. PR1412 FIX: Enabling telnet/FTP-services doesn't work with older autoexec.bat. PR1411 IMP: Logoff screen in Touchscreen (GUI) has been improved (now same as Web-UI) PR1410 FIX: Generating a report which contains an event list does not work correctly over the Bus. PR1405 NEW: Added ability to Flow-Xpress to edit the users using the Online mode in Flow-Xpress. PR1404 FIX: Reports-button in Debug Offline in Excel 2003 isn't working. PR1390 FIX: Report display takes a long time to update list of reports. PR1380/1176 FIX: Historical reports are not shown in chronological order. PR1375 FIX: Pulse output reservoir alarm limit shoud actually be size of the reservoir. PR1322 IMP: Added 'Reset' argument to fxSetPulseOutput(..) function. PR1233 NEW: Added support for Historical Data displays. PR1256/1210 IMP: XP can not show historical reports of all its modules in one display. PR1202 IMP: Added support for recurring Report displays. PR781 NEW: The current time is now shown on the Touchscreen and Web-UI. Flow-Xpress (27-04-2010) PR1398 FIX: Compile does not check communication sheets when they are not assigned to any device/port. PR1395 IMP: Full compiling large communication drivers lists takes a very long time. PR1394 IMP: Flow-Xpress log-files are now cleaned up after a configurable amount of time. PR1393 NEW: Add possibility to configure historical data archives at the template level and add that they can be repeated for every module. PR1389 FIX: Switching to Online mode causes open (and potentially unsaved) application to be closed without warning. PR1386 IMP: Added keyboard shortcuts to Office 2007 ribbon. PR1383 FIX: LCD shows strange values for performance tags and tags that have a format defined. PR1382 NEW: Default cycle-time has been changed to 500 msec. PR1381 IMP: Added system enumerations for 'On/Off', 'Enabled/Disabled', 'True/False' and 'Yes/No'. PR1379 FIX: It is possible for user to cause ethernet-port malfunction on X/P with IC+ switch built in by assigning both ports equal network address. PR1377 NEW: Added option to define a global date/time format in Flow-Xpress. PR1376 FIX: fxPeriodLatchArray crashes flowcomputer when transitioning from a month with 31 days to a month of 30 days. PR1374 IMP: Added support to the touchscreen GUI for showing tag descriptions (help icon). PR1373 IMP: Add notification that when certain system tags are modified, a restart notification is shown. PR1364 FIX: Web UI should complete report filename. PR1363 IMP: Date/time format on report display is now configurable. PR1387/1360 FIX: The compiler does not report any errors for tags in displays that refer to unknown sheets. PR1359 NEW: Added tag for touchscreen calibration. PR1358 FIX: Report timestamps don't correctly correspond to the generated date/time. PR1357 NEW: Added option to generate and preview reports in debug offline. PR1355 FIX: Web help text not shown correctly in case title has 2 lines. PR1354 IMP: The product version is now saved to the custom document properties of the XLS file PR1353 FIX: PT100 current is now low enough for a correct measurement. PR1351 IMP: When clicking the 'Save' button, automatically an archive of the file is created. PR1350 FIX: Acknowleding all alarms writes an event for each event (a single event Acked All is sufficient). PR1346 IMP: Passwords in Web-UI should be non-readable. PR1344 FIX: Dual-pulse 'corrected increment' was sometimes negative. PR1338 FIX: User-name and password should be cleared in Web-UI after logging out. PR1337 FIX: It is not possible to read and write global template tags directly from a custom sheet. PR1336 NEW: Added option to disable web-access. PR1335 FIX: When an invalid argument was specified in a scalar function (e.g. fxModuleChoose) a crash or many compile errors could occur. PR1333 FIX: Flowcomputer could crash in multi-module setups (Bus). PR1331 FIX: The event-log in Debug-Offline was shown in reverse-order. PR1330 IMP: Added print-preview button to tags control so that printing and export is possible. PR1329 FIX: Event-log on touchscreen never looked beyond the most recent 100 events. PR1328 IMP: The timestamp column on the Log-display is now configurable. PR1327 FIX: fxBatchTotal, fxPeriodTotal and fxTotalizerDelta should always ignore negative increments. PR1326 FIX: Enumeration values are not shown when tag has an 'empty' value. PR1324 NEW: Added system tag to acknowledge all alarms. PR1323 FIX: Date/time in log display is not completely visible. PR1321 FIX: Seal-icon on Touchscreen disappears when moving your finger over it. PR1320 FIX: Tags in displays that were recurring incorrectly showed the module number or module-name. PR1319 FIX: Full-compiling could lead to a crash when normal-compile already gave errors. PR1316 IMP: Added support for optionally defining tag-names for communication driver items (value can be specified in 'Initial' column). PR1312 FIX: Modbus function code 05 does not work correctly. PR1311 FIX: Web-site doesn't load correctly and/or images are displayed correctly. PR1310 FIX: In some cases, retentive data (parameters) were not written to disk when the datatype changed from a large value to a small value. PR1309 IMP: Added check to fxTag(..) function that the value cannot be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum. PR1307 IMP: Added support to parameter view to show whether a value has been changed from it's default value and option to reset to default value. PR1306 FIX: fxGenerateReport(..) gives a compile error when a Flow-X/P is configured with less than 4 modules. PR1303 NEW: Added fxPID(..) function. PR1302 IMP: Added support to fxModuleSetOn(..) functions to write values to all modules (module = -2). PR1300 IMP: Items in the Flow-Xpress navigation-pane are now resized so that all items are visible to the user (no scrolling required). PR1299 IMP: Added options argument to fxTag(..) function for specifying that it's calibration data. PR1298 FIX: Compiling fails when editing a cell (Flow-Xpress options are no longer accessible when editing a cell). PR1297 IMP: The need for logging in for acknowledging or suppressing alarms is now optional. PR1296 FIX: Flow computer does not start when too many Modbus points are configured. PR1294 FIX: Improved the visibility of the locked-status on the UI when the seal is locked. PR1293 FIX: Event log in web display has strange behavior. PR1292 FIX: Special tags such as 'CurrentTime' didn't work when written using an 'fxSetOn..' function. PR1291 IMP: Irrelevant warning messages are no longer displayed in Basic-mode. PR1289 FIX: Added restriction so it is no longer possible to enter invalid netmasks. PR1288 IMP: fxTag(..) does not allow min and max for writeable tags without security level. PR1287 FIX: Modbus Coils are no longer casted to booleans, but to 1/0 instead. PR1286 FIX: Functions with a variable number of inputs (Scalar functions) could give incorrect errors (e.g. fxModuleChoose). PR1283 FIX: Most recent location was not initialized after fresh install and was incorrectly updated after downloading an app from a device. PR1282 FIX: Non existent module tags on non-recurring displays are not reported by compiler. PR1281 FIX: The user is now prompted to enter a relevant name for communication drivers. PR1280 FIX: Timezone/DST is now set to 0 on all devices. PR1279 FIX: Time synchronisation between multiple modules on a bus ignores timezone/DST. PR1278 FIX: HART ports in Flow-Xpress now show that they are located in Analog Inputs for clarity reasons. PR1274 FIX: Web UI does not always allow a parameter with an invalid value, which is an enumeration, to be changed. PR1272 NEW: Added ability to specify an explicit IP-address (Specify-tab) to the device-discovery window. PR1271 IMP: Added 'enabled' argument to fxSetOnChange(..) and fxModuleSetOnChange(..). PR1269 NEW: Added caching support to the web-server. PR1268 IMP: Reports stored on the flowcomputer are now compressed. PR1267 FIX: HART driver sends at least 5 preambles to ensure correct communication. PR1266 IMP: Several standard- and normal units have been merged. PR1263 FIX: Writable tags with no security level (not parameters) should not be writable through the web-services. PR1262 NEW: Added support for downloading report files (ASCII) through the Web-UI. PR1261 NEW: Added Keep-Alive support to the web-server. PR1260 FIX: Touchscreen UI looses connection when all web-server threads are occupied. PR1259 NEW: Added GZIP compression to web-server. PR1258 IMP: Added support for fxStatusAlarm(..) function on comm sheets. PR1257 IMP: PIN code is no longer visible in Flow-Xpress. PR1255 FIX: Flow-Xpress can not connect to devices and error 'TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.' is written to the event-log. PR1254 NEW: The Cycle-Time is now configurable (50 - 4000 msec). PR1253 FIX: One or two cycles were missed on minute transitions. PR1251 FIX: HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP are not 100% compatible with those in Excel. PR1234 NEW: Added Omni-compatible historical data support to Modbus Save driver (and Server). PR1230 NEW: Added support for Custom calculations (adds ability to basic-mode to create tags/parameters,alarms,etc..). PR1229 FIX: The module-number or -name is now always shown in the title for recurring displays. PR1225 NEW: Added option to require a user to login when accessing the flowcomputer through Web. PR1224 IMP: Renaming a sheet does not cause the displays to be automatically updated. PR1220 FIX: Print and seal-icon remain visible when the connection is lost PR1214 NEW: Added system tags containing alarm info at the module level and globally. PR1209 IMP: The same Comm-sheet can now be used for different protocols (e.g. ModbusSlave & ModbusServer). PR1207 FIX: Modbus Slave and Modbus Server do not allow the usage of tags defined on the local Comm sheet. PR1194 IMP: Modbus Slave and Modbus Server query definitions are limited to 256 bytes (limit has been increased to 65K). PR1190 IMP: Improved handling of high latency and low bandwidth connections. PR1174 IMP: Tag-browser control should treat filter expressions with words seperated by a space as search conditions with 'AND' PR1173 IMP: Added security-level for printing/saving reports (it's also possible to print without being logged on). PR1172 NEW: Added support for resetting and clearing data in the flowcomputer (System\Reset). PR1169 NEW: Added security levels for reading an application and parameters from the flowcomputer. PR1168 FIX: Not possible to drag&drop display-tags when clicking on the tag-icon. PR1166 FIX: Tag-display does not show any tags that are defined in front of the first display-group. PR1163 FIX: Creating a new application gives some errors (in 'blank' template). PR1158 FIX: Uploading parameters to the flowcomputer does not trigger the LCD display(s) to update. PR1149 FIX: External names which are created accidentally when copying from other XLS files, are now automatically cleaned up. PR1144 NEW: Add performance statistics tags to System-display (e.g. CPU usage, mem-usage, etc..). PR1115/1235 NEW: Added support for new 'Online' mode, which now hosts the ability to edit parameters online. PR1087 NEW: Added support for showing the timestamp on alarm displays. PR1082/1212 IMP: Communication drivers that refer to specific module tags should not report errors when the module doesn't exist. PR1094 FIX: Alarm LED on LCD display of flow module are not working correctly. PR1065 IMP: The log display now shows the events of all modules. PR1060 FIX: Calibration parameters are overwritten by Flow-Xpress. PR1056 IMP: Value instead of text shown in event log for tags with enumerations. PR1027 NEW: Added support to parameters section to print out the parameters with option to preview the printout first PR1011 FIX: When on the 2nd (or third) page of a display, and navigating to another display, the page-index was not reset to 0. PR919 FIX: VLOOKUP causes flow module to hang when using very large arrays. PR823 NEW: Added ability to retrieve report files from flow computer. PR814 FIX: Sometimes cycles are missed when reports are being generated. PR783 NEW: Added support for linking a manual report to a command-tag. PR742 NEW: Added system option to enable/disable report printing at the global level. PR697 IMP: Added system tags and alarms for disk-usage. Flow-Xpress (11-02-2010) PR1247 FIX: Date/time in Web-UI folders view shows system-time instead of local time PR1244 FIX: 'Add to favorites'-button in device discovery does not work PR1238 FIX: It is not possible to delete communication drivers PR1185 IMP: Added notification on startup that application was saved in a newer version than the loaded version Flow-Xpress (05-02-2010) PR1223 NEW: Added change-log to product folder PR1222 FIX: Debug offline doesn't work correctly in Basic Mode. PR1221 FIX: Retentive data on flowcomputer gets mixed up when functions are used with the same names across multiple sheets (which runs on the same module/panel) PR1219 FIX: Incorrect use of fxModuleChoose, fxModuleValue, fxRelModuleValue, fxRelModuleChoose was not detected by compiler and could lead to crash in Flow-Xpress or flowcomputer PR1218 FIX: Certain cells that are 0 show up as empty-values on reports PR1217 FIX: Direct references to module sheets from module reports don't work PR1216 FIX: There is no checksum over the source-tree(s) for a firmware-build PR1204 FIX: Full-Compiling and previewing reports in applications containing many or large reports takes too long. PR1200 FIX: Alarms defined on communication sheets should use correct prefix PR1199 FIX: New page display get wrong short and long text PR1196 FIX: System display has disappeared PR1195 FIX: Suffix is added to displays (where it shouldn't have) in case of one module only PR1193 FIX: DEC2HEX does not handle very large numbers correctly PR1189 REM: Context menu is disabled on column header of Tags Display PR1187 FIX: Security-levels did not show correct icons PR1186 FIX: Compiler generates errors about reports that do not exist anymore PR1184 FIX: HEX2DEC gives negative result in case of large checksums PR1183 FIX: Excel crashes on fxCRC32 when used with with large ranges PR1182 FIX: Write to device windows keeps polling all devices when not in the search-devices tab-page. PR1181 IMP: Reorganized the Excel 2003 Flow-Xpress menu PR1179 FIX: fxFunctionList(..) hangs when you enter a value as parameter PR1177/1154 NEW: Add support for system template to which other templates have access (can be used to share IO sheet accross templates) PR1175 FIX: Unit conversion from m/s to km/hr is wrong PR1170 IMP: FlowXpress does not remember latest directory that a file was opened from PR1167 FIX: When multiple tags are selected in the Tags Display, only the first one can be moved PR1165 FIX: Modbus Client looses connection to Modbus Server after 2^16 requests PR1164 IMP: Various cosmetical improvements PR1160/1119 NEW: Added Print buttons to various sections of the program including the Parameters section. PR1157 FIX: Editing parameters in Flow-Xpress with the data-type 'date/time' didn't work correctly. PR1153 FIX: COM-port tags are not accessible from sheets PR1151 FIX: Alarms should use short texts when only 1 module is used PR1141 FIX: When changing the Device setup in Basic Mode then the Reports are not updated accordingly PR1137 NEW: Added support for fxTagValue(..) function in order to access any tags on user-defined reports. PR1128 FIX: Modbus Client retry mechanism does not work correctly PR1099/1104 FIX: When changing parameter via touchscreen interface, sometimes "SECURITY_KEY_INVALID" message is shown (and change disallowed) PR1098 FIX: Tag texts are not unique in case of multpiple templates PR1001 FIX: Status is not always updated when uploading an application PR970 FIX: Arrow-keys don't work as expected when editing a tag-name in the Tag Display window. Flow-Xpress (23-12-2009) PR1148 FIX: Parameters written to FC through Flow-Xpress were not processed correctly. PR1147 NEW: Add option to use module name as the display name PR1146 FIX: Flow-Xpress could crash when previewing the Web-UI PR1145 FIX: Alarm display should display Module Name when configured instead of module ID postfix Flow-Xpress (22-12-2009) PR1143 IMP: Renaming a communication sheet causes the device assignments to no longer work PR1140 FIX: The flowcomputer or Flow-Xpress could crash or experience strange behavior PR1139 FIX: Creating a new application doesn't work PR1138 FIX: Communication drivers didn't work correctly PR1134 FIX: Global/station assignment is not always correctly assigned when switching from Flow-X/P to Flow-X/S PR1124/747 NEW: Added option to disable alarms (through new ‘enable’ argument on alarm-functions) PR1123 FIX: Deleting en enumeration group, closing the window and re-opening it, shows the enumeration-group again PR1113 FIX: Display title and long-texts were not always correctly shown on GUI. PR1100 FIX: It is not possible to log in on XP (GUI) when autologoff is disabled PR1074 IMP: RS232/RS485 setting not shown under Protocols PR1068 FIX: GUI does not add suffix to recurring tag PR1080 FIX: Flow-Xpress did not verify Driver configuration correctly which could lead to incorrect applications being written to the FC PR907 IMP: Automatically assign template to module in case there is only one template PR766 FIX: Modbus SlaveID is now limited to 1..254 Flow-Xpress (18-12-2009) PR732 FIX: Run assignment can no longer be made to the panel-module PR1006 FIX: Web display shows module suffix behind each recurring display when there is one module only PR944 IMP: “Module 0” has been renamed to “Panel” in the UI PR932 NEW: Changing COM port settings should not require Flow-Xpress PR1132 FIX: LCD preview in Flow-Xpress doesn't work PR884 IMP: Enable / disable HART loops is superfluous PR1130 FIX: Changing an LCD setting using System\Advanced\Display requires reboot before it becomes active. PR963 FIX: Exception when selecting a report refers to a no longer existing report template sheet PR902/930 IMP: Removed Local Settings display from LCD and added Login/Logout option instead PR1129 IMP: Make device-setup easier to use and allow for specifying a module name PR1120 NEW: Add support for Module prefixes and postfixes which are appended to the tag names and descriptions. PR1064 IMP: In a bus-setup, time is not synchronised between devices PR1076 FIX: HART communication with MicroMotion Coriolis meter does not work PR635 FIX: After having saved a project under a different name, you can not open the original project anymore PR1121 FIX: Daily event report prints events of current day instead of previous report PR833 FIX: FlowXpress does not give any feedback when file is already opened PR1086 IMP: Application version should also show FlowXpress version and build number PR1089 IMP: Debug online should also be able to show functions like in Debug Offline. PR1114/1101 FIX: Writing an application to the FC and reading it back does not consistently produce the same application as loaded in Flow-Xpress PR1105/1079 FIX: Uploading to Flow-X/P with modules does not work consistently PR845 NEW: Added Cut / Paste and Copy / Paste option for communication drivers, reports and printers PR966 FIX: Report assigned to unknown module after having changed type of device PR842 FIX: fxReport function does not work when no name is defined PR706 IMP: Couple reports to modules PR941 FIX: Report display filters on 'Report type' instead of on the defined reports PR954 FIX: Tag-screen in Web-UI should have at least 1 tag otherwise a script error occurs in the web-UI PR929 IMP: Various improvements to report definition and configuration Flow-Xpress (04-12-2009) PR988 IMP: Excel Ribbon now collapses intelligently so all Flow-Xpress options are visible on lower resolution screens. PR917 FIX: Displays with the same name are now merged if possible and otherwise the both appear in the displays-tree. PR1043 FIX: fx(2/3)CellSelection does not work when input percentage is above 100% PR1044 FIX: fxModuleValue, fxModuleChoose, fxRelModuleValue & fxRelModuleChoose didn't work on a real multi-module flowcomputer PR1040 FIX: Sometimes deleted displays or translations (or other things) re-appear after reopening the application. PR1041 FIX: FlowXpress gives erroneous compile errors and crashes at exit or produces corruption PR962 FIX: Debug output window does not show complete messages when messages are very large PR914 FIX: Window positions that have been saved outside the visible desktop should be places back into the visible desktop. PR1039 FIX: Progress bar wasn't shown in non-English editions of Excel 2007 PR1038 IMP: Added support for AGA8 caching PR1037 FIX: System displays should always be placed as the last existing display PR0136 FIX: Added ability to add custom displays before or after the template displays Flow-Xpress (26-10-2009) PR1035 NEW: Added support for find & replace to the language screen PR1031 FIX: Flow-Xpress now prevents the user from adding multiple languages with the same name (name must be unique, otherwise compile errors occur) PR1030 IMP: Added support for sorting and filtering on errors and warnings in the output window. PR1029 IMP: Added restriction to Flow-Xpress that non single-cell references to global sheets are not allowed (that’s because it’s not supported by the bus-layer) PR1019 FIX: Conditional displays not working on multi-module applications. PR1018 FIX: Output window disappeared after opening and closing the Properties window. Flow-Xpress (21-10-2009) PR1028 FIX: Changing a communication driver from one protocol to another and updating setting could result in hidden settings causing incorrect communication driver behavior. Flow-Xpress (15-10-2009) PR1025 FIX: Crash/Memory exceptions could occur when the flowcomputer CPU was utilized fully PR1026 FIX: Web-server could enter an infinite when a stream of a certain length was send PR1021 IMP: Compiler warning "Ignoring unkown table .... " is not a warning situation PR1024 FIX: Application date/time is displayed as a number rather than a date/time PR1023 IMP: The System-menu structure has been improved so that it’s easier to use PR1020 FIX: Crash could occur when accessing the alarm web-service. PR1016 NEW: Added MODCOUNT keyword to display conditions. PR1017 IMP: Added support for editing display conditions directly in the edit control. Flow-Xpress (08-10-2009) (FIRST RELEASE WITH NEW NETWORK BUS) PR925 FIX: Analog input low and high fail are not set correctly PR1014 FIX: Adding a version '1.0.10' gives the incorrect message that that version is lower than the previous one (e.g when previous is 1.0.9) PR993 FIX: Flow-Xpress crashes upon shutdown on Vista PR913 FIX: fxTimer does not work when limit = 0 PR1010 FIX: fxConvertUnit does not assign unit to tag PR1009 FIX: xu_kmol_ft3 conversion is wrong PR1015 NEW: Added zip-compression to flowcomputer which makes up- & downloads considerably faster. Flow-Xpress (18-09-2009) PR994 FIX: Flow-Xpress now asks for Administrator access when run on Vista PR958 FIX: License Manager (SoLiView) now asks for Administrator access when run on Vista PR992 FIX: PT100 calculation could result to unpredictable results PR991 FIX: Crash could occur when entering debug online/offline. PR986 FIX: Dragging a tag to the bottom of the tag-display editor would remove the tag PR987 FIX: Parameter list does not show tag description of module tags on User-defined displays PR990 FIX: Clicking a command tag in the Web-UI causes an exception when using Internet Explorer. PR984 FIX: Sometimes the Web-UI didn't reload although the flowcomputer had been restarted causing tags to not be writable and causing other strange issues in the Web-UI. PR985 FIX: Line height in Web-navigation tree is too tight. PR983 NEW: Unhandled exceptions in Flow-Xpress are now caught and logged and a popup is shown with the exception information. PR982 FIX: Displays weren't updated in Basic mode after loading a different application Flow-Xpress (14-09-2009) PR980 IMP: Alarms defined on communication drivers now use the comm-driver name as prefix instead of the device-id number. PR981 FIX: No displays were generated for templates which only contained global sheets. PR977 FIX: Added 'Compile' to Debug Online so that the always the up-to-date signature is used when comparing the applications. PR979 IMP: Added extra prompt to Flow-Xpress when writing a different kind of application to a flowcomputer device. PR978 FIX: Debug online did not update text/date/ip-address values and could potentially lead to a crash PR976 FIX: Closing Excel 2003 while in Debug Offline caused all the menu- and toolbars to disappear PR974 FIX: Debug offline in Basic Mode was not working correctly... PR965 IMP: Output Window is now also accessible when in the Properties window or in Basic mode. PR971 FIX: Sometimes Flow-Xpress shows a "Page cannot be displayed" message when trying to display the web-UI. PR972 FIX: KeypadFallback enumeration was incorrect has been updated. PR973 FIX: Web-UI in Flow-Xpress was drawn over the toolbar when there wasn't enough available space Flow-Xpress (25-08-2009) PR953 FIX: Accessing the logs on the flowcomputer could lead to a memory corruption, resulting in hangs, crashes, slowing-down... PR952 FIX: Tags with an initial string-value showed up as being enclosed in double-quote characters. PR951 FIX: Bottom-bar in Web-UI was no longer visible after viewing the print-preview on a tag-screen PR950 FIX: Tag-limits (min/max) are now checked on the back-end as well (LCD & communication drivers) PR948 FIX: HART driver now takes into account the switching behavior of the hardware modem (preambles limit has been increased) PR937 IMP: Logging into to the flowcomputer using Flow-Xpress requires a mouse-click because the focus was not initially on the edit-field. PR936 IMP: Command-tags (xui_cmd/xui_directcmd) no longer need to be booleans but can now be any datatime PR915/905 NEW: Added copy/paste support to the units & enumeration screens Flow-Xpress (19-08-2009) PR945 FIX: 'Read from Device' option was not available when no project was loaded in Professional mode. PR946 NEW: Added support for evaluation licenses (License System v.3.2) NEW: Added print support to Web-UI tag-pages (for Flow-Xpert and Flow-X PC web-UI) Flow-Xpress (14-08-2009) NEW: Added support for Version management (application version & revision history) FIX: The Web-UI sometimes didn’t load correctly using Firefox IMP: Some debug options have been added to find installations issues Flow-Xpress (13-08-2009) PR939 FIX: Low frequency pulses result in freq = 0 (PulseInput) PR943 NEW: Added support for using the security level (and also username) in the condition of a display. PR928 NEW: Added support for Excel function FIXED PR924 FIX: fxInterpolationCurve works incorrectly in case of zero or one reference point NEW: Added support for multiple panes in the tag-screen of the Web-UI NEW: Added support for creating Group-separators in tag-displays REM: Disabled unit-editing in the Web-UI (requires further discussion) FIX: Logging in to the Web-UI from a PC required two clicks. PR882 FIX: Write to device doesn't always work because the flowcomputer responds with "401 not authorized"